
Clay and Buck

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Details on Buck’s Engagement and Happy Birthday to Clay’s Mom

15 Jul 2022

CLAY: You got engaged, we should mention. We talked about at the very opening of the Monday show. If people missed that show, they may not know, you are now an engaged man. This is your first full week of engaged man life. How has it felt? Any different?

BUCK: It’s good. Every time I see Carrie’s hand, though, with that big rock, I’m like, “Damn!”

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Where’d that coming from? And I’m like, oh, yeah.

CLAY: You had her here in-studio the other day. I was saying, “Hey, how’s it feel to have that big rock on your hand all of a sudden when you’re going around to the gym or whatever normal activities that you might be involved in. You’re not used to having the big ring on the hand.”

BUCK: Did I tell you what her first response was when I got down on the knee? It’s pretty funny. Very classic Carrie. She went, “What the heck?” And I was like — I was like, well, I hope there’s a “yes” coming at some point. And then I asked, and then she said “yes.” But, “What the heck.”

CLAY: So here’s the question. ‘Cause you got engaged in your building, which has a spectacular view up at the top of your apartment building in New York City. Do you think they will allow you back in on, like, the 5-, the 10-, the 15-, the 20-year anniversary to go back up or when you’re not living there, do you think they’ll ban you from being able to return to the place where you got engaged?

BUCK: If the same staff is there. Staff are my people. So, they’ll let me up.

CLAY: Because that is interesting. I’m coming up on 18 years. In fact, we’re going down to Orlando this weekend for friends of ours are having their 20-year wedding anniversary so they’re having a big party in Orlando to celebrate 20. And I’m already thinking about what we’re gonna do for 20, which is in two years. I think I told you off air, I’d like to go to Australia. Never been before, 20-year anniversary feels like a good time. You’re planning now potentially a honeymoon. And I’m telling you, take a trip that you really are excited to go on because, once you have kids, it gets way more difficult until they get old enough to be able to take legitimate trips of substantial distances, let’s just say.

BUCK: I would say go to Australia, be careful because you got a lot of sharks and a lot of saltwater crocodiles —

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: — which are amazingly scary looking creatures.

CLAY: Have you been to Australia before?

BUCK: I have not. My sister studied abroad there, though, for a semester.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: So, I heard a lot about it from her. But, you know, these days, man, I think we’ve had five shark attacks in Long Island in the last week or two. So — five. Which is —

CLAY: That’s a lot.

BUCK: That’s a lot. Now, they were pretty… I think one of the sharks is like four feet long; so this is not Jaws. They’re not 25-foot great whites or something. Those exist too, though. You’ll see them occasionally off of Martha’s Vineyard.

CLAY: Would you ever get in the water again —

BUCK: Nah.

CLAY: — if you got bit by a shark at the beach?

BUCK: Nah. Kind of ruin it for me.

CLAY: I wouldn’t get in the lake again, if I got bit by a shark. I’d be like, “This is just not for me. I can go to pools.” I think there’s a zero percent chance I’d ever get in the ocean again if I got bit by a shark.

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: ‘Cause I see some of these people, like the surfer guys, and they get attacked by a great white shark or whatever and they’re like, yeah, you know, he bit me and you’re like, okay, and they say but I can’t wait to get back out on my board and go surf again. And I’m thinking to myself, if I got bitten by a shark, I would never get in the ocean again for the rest of my life.

BUCK: Think about what a badge of honor it would be, though, for a surfer if you didn’t get bit but it took the big chunk out of your board like I’ve seen some of those where the shark will take a big piece out.

CLAY: If a shark bit my board, I’m not getting back in the water.

BUCK: You’re definitely like the big kahuna, you know, you’re the badass if you got a big chunk of your surfboard that has been taken out. Anyway, be safe out there in the ocean, lakes and streams, make sure you swim with a buddy. We have any other advice in make sure you cook your meat to at least 115 or 120 degree temperature.

CLAY: Happy birthday to my mom, who is going to be an age — I don’t know — you get to certain age, you don’t say how old they are, but she’s happy and healthy; so that’s the other event that’s going on this weekend in the Travis household.

BUCK: Happy birthday to Mrs. Travis, Grandma Travis.

CLAY: Should be a good weekend. Grandma Travis. Got six grandkids.

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