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Sen. Hawley Joins Us After Going Viral for Saying Men Can’t Get Pregnant

13 Jul 2022

BUCK: That was an exchange yesterday up on Capitol Hill with Senator Josh Hawley, who joins us now after taking the controversial position that only women can get pregnant.

Senator, thanks for being with us. This is getting a lot of attention all over the place because they really do — the left, the Democrats, college professors, it seems — believe that men can get pregnant. And if you don’t agree with them, it is literally the equivalent of violence.

SEN. HAWLEY: (laughing) And that’s the key part, Buck, is that second part. I mean, all of it’s crazy, obviously. Men don’t get pregnant. I mean, why is this controversial? But the second piece of it, which is that if you won’t agree with them if you won’t say the words “men can get pregnant” then you are a bigot and you are responsible for violence. And this is where we get to their anti-speech agenda. It’s really authoritarianism which is basically, “Hey, you agree with us or we’re gonna shut you down,” and that’s what they believe today. That’s what the left believes, it’s what today’s Democrat Party believes. I sat through that hearing. Not a single Democrat senator took issue with a thing that witness said. It is crazy.

CLAY: So, Senator Hawley, thanks for coming on. We retweeted and shared that clip which you just heard. We talked about it and played it yesterday. And yesterday evening I thought to myself, “Hey, I want to know, is this actually receiving…? I saw you were trending, and I thought to myself, “I want to see what people are saying in response to this,” and here are just a couple of the things that people are say. I’m sure you may have seen these, but I don’t know that our audience has, and I think it’s emblematic of how crazy Democrats have become on this issue in particular.

Okay, here are a couple of them. “Senator Hawley tries to mock…” This is, by the way, a law professor at Cal Berkeley, out of our elite, in theory, legal institutions in the country, “for using the phrase ‘people with the capacity for pregnancy’ during a Senate hearing on abortion; she was having none of it,” 32,000 likes. “Professor Khiara Bridges took Josh Hawley’s ass to school. This is how you put hate in its place,” 7,000 likes.

“It’s not hard to make Josh Hawley look stupid. Professor Khiara Bridges puts on a master class here.” Not only are they insane, they’re actually cheerleading this behavior as if you were the one who looked bad in that interaction. It really legitimately boggles my mind how out of touch they are. I’m sure you saw some of this. But isn’t it crazy when you basically let her hang herself with her argument, right? It’s not like you were berating her. She sounded crazy. And yet she’s the hero, according to so many people on blue check Twitter.

SEN. HAWLEY: It does show you, Clay, that sometimes somebody on the radical left will actually say out loud what they really think. And that’s what happened yesterday. This witness said out loud what the radical left, who’s increasingly the base of the Democrat Party, what they really think. And that’s why you have all of these lefty Democrats, including elected officials. You got AOC and other members of The Squad who are out there saying, “Yeah! Yeah, That’s right. That’s right,” and it is insane.

Yeah, to your point about… I said nothing. I just asked questions. I just asked — and not very many, I think four, like three or four questions — and just let her say what her crazy ideology is. And I just… To come back to the authoritarian element of this, I mean, to say that men can get pregnant is crazy. But then to say if you disagree, you’re violent. And, what, that you shouldn’t be asking those questions, that you shouldn’t be able to talk about this? I asked her, “In your class,” she’s a professor, “Do people not get to question you?” and of course she was offended by that question too. It is insanity, but it has taken over today’s left.

BUCK: Speaking to Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri. Senator, I’m just wondering. Chuck Schumer, some of the other Senate colleagues you have on the Democrat side… If we could get Chuck Schumer to call into this show, I would love to ask him if he believes that men can get pregnant. Do you know, one, what the Senate majority leader’s position is on that issue? And are there a lot of Senate Democrats who will say, “Yes, men can get pregnant”? Is that where they are these days?

SEN. HAWLEY: You know, I think we should hear from every Senate Democrat, especially those who are facing voters this fall. You know, I mean, let’s have the response. Can men get pregnant? Yes or no? I think their voters would like to know because something else they’d like to know about is, do you support eliminating women’s sports. And this is something I know y’all have talked about in the past. This is right where it goes.

Because the same people who are the far-left ideologues on this and say, “Oh, men can get pregnant, and you must agree with that are also the people who say that women must be forced to compete against biological men.” And if you object to that, you’re also supporting violence. I mean, this is crazy talk. There is hardly a parent in America who listens to this stuff and isn’t just repulsed by it. So, yeah, I think that every elected official — and every Democrat certainly — I’d get to the record on this.

I tell you what, it was crickets yesterday. Not a single Democrat at that hearing, as I said, said so much as a peep about this and certainly didn’t contradict this witness who’s their witness. They invited her. She was their star witness. It just shows you, again, craziness has totally overtaken that party. And it’s why people are running screaming away from the left right now and away from the Democrats.

CLAY: Yeah, I agree and I’ve been hammering this. If you’re running in a competitive seat for governor, for Congress, for the Senate, you should be asking your opponent, “Do you believe that men can get pregnant?” and making them answer, and also asking them, “Do you believe that a man who decides he’s a woman should be able to set all-time women’s records, nearly, like what we just saw in the NCAA swimming championship?” Make them swear by what has become the dogma of Democrat Party.

Senator Hawley, news came out today, 9.1% inflation. Buck and I joke about this because every time the inflation in connection with come out, they exceed expert expectations, right? (chuckles) Every single time for over a year… You would think at some point you would adjust your opinions way higher than what they might end up being. But yet they continue to be surprised, the experts. Where are we going here? Do you feel like the Senate can hold the line and keep Democrats from spending any more money or raising any more taxes between now and the midterms?

SEN. HAWLEY: Well, how about Joe Biden’s response to it this morning, which I’m sure you saw, which was to say that the numbers are fake. I mean, he’s up there now saying, “Ah these numbers probably are not real.” So now it’s not just made up. It’s all in our heads? You’re in pretty dire straits if now if you are eagle people when they go to the pump, “Oh, don’t worry, this is all fake, it’s all in your imagination.”

But that’s where Biden is right now. I think in terms of the next couple of months they’re gonna be critical in the Senate. The Democrats are desperate to use rules. They can pass one more thing, guys, with 51 votes. They can pass one more economic package, according to the rules, the reconciliation rules, which are complicated. The bottom line is, they can do it one more time and they want to.

They desperately want to raise taxes and they want to spend a whole bunch more money which of course is one of the big drivers of inflation. I do believe we can stop ’em. We have to stop ’em. And then when Republicans get the majority back, we gotta deliver, and the first thing we can do is open up American energy production. We need to put a bill on Biden’s desk on day one of the new majority that opens up American energy production full throttle.

BUCK: Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri. Senator, always appreciate you stopping by, sir. Thank you.

SEN. HAWLEY: Hey, guys, thanks for having me.

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