
Clay and Buck

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President Bans Offshore Drilling Amid Gas Crisis

6 Jul 2022

CLAY: They just dropped this on Friday. Even in the midst of this gas price crisis, they are declining to allow more offshore drilling. The Biden administration effectively banned it in the Atlanta and the Pacific. Now, offshore. This got dropped on a Friday. The Wall Street Journal had a good article about it, but most people didn’t even notice it. So, Joe Biden later this month is going to Saudi Arabia where he is going to get on bended knee and beg the Saudis to produce more oil.

This is how you know the climate change insanity is out of control. If we produced the oil, it’s unacceptable. But if somebody else produces the oil, it’s acceptable. It’s the same impact on the economy. It doesn’t matter if it’s Saudi Arabia or Venezuela or Iran or Russia. The only difference is, instead of giving them billions of dollars, we make billions of dollars.

BUCK: The first thing Biden did when he came into office — they won — was cancel the Keystone XL pipeline. The State Department, including under the Obama administration, spent years assessing the carbon footprint of that pipeline. You know what it found? Oil is coming out of the ground one way or another.

CLAY: No matter what.

BUCK: We can either benefit from it, or we can not benefit from it, and you know what the Dems, libs decided? “Let’s let other people benefit from it, ’cause climate change,” ’cause they’re emotional wrecks.

CLAY: Emotional wrecks but also so dishonest that this could ever have arisen.

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