
Clay and Buck

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Eric Adams Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About — Or He’s Lying

9 Jun 2022

BUCK: Welcome back to Clay and Buck.

BUCK: That was the relatively new mayor of New York City, Eric Adams. Speaking as a New Yorker, let me say, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or he’s just lying to you. There’s no part of this problem that is conservatives are putting guns in everyone’s hands. No one argues for that. If someone doesn’t want to own a gun, I don’t want them to own a gun. If someone doesn’t feel comfortable around firearms, I don’t want them to own a firearm.

This is just a canard. This is a lie is a red herring. Right? This is nonsense. And on the other side, though, not holding people accountable, they’re mentioning — that was on Scarborough’s show, talking about — what happened in San Francisco. That is exactly the problem that. So they say this, “Oh, it’s on both sides. We both sides have lessons to learn!” That is false.

The progressive prosecutors who took over the prosecutorial jobs in basically every major city in the country in the last four or five years, they decided that criminals were being too harshly dealt with by the state and should get away with more crimes. They should effectively make crime not illegal, and that resulted in really bad things, ad we all saw this this. Then this, “Oh, the right wants to put guns in everyone’s hands.” No, there is no right putting guns in people’s hands in San Francisco. This is a fantasy. They are at fault. There is not a both sides here. I just think everyone needs to hear that. The mayor of New York, he is just not up for the job, folks. He is just not good at this.

CLAY: There is a massive increase in gun ownership in this country. But interestingly — and we’ll talk a little bit about this, but our good friend, Joy Behar, the dumbest person in media, had some takes on this in a moment. But interestingly, it’s white, black, Asian and Hispanic people, all different racial groups buying guns because of the increase in crime and the fear that you are not safe in your own home or your own neighborhood. There are people out there right now who are listening to us that for much of their life never really felt unsafe in their neighborhoods.

And now they’re looking around in there and they’re thinking to themselves, “Wait a minute, there was just a shooting down at that gas station. Somebody just got mugged over there at that dry cleaner,” and you’re thinking to yourself, “Man, I didn’t know that this was going on to that extent,” and then you also hear, “Hey, I called 911 and due to police understaffing…”

Because we demonized so many police and so many police departments out there don’t have the resources to respond quickly, it might take 20 minutes for a police officer to get to your house or to get to where you need to be helped. And there are a lot of people saying, “I want to be able to protect myself” and the fac, Buck, by the way, this Quinnipiac poll?

You know, we talk a lot about how do you get to 60% approval. I will say Joe Biden’s doing it the opposite way. He’s rapidly approaching 70% disapproval, which is kind of unheard o, right? Only 30% of people out there closely are saying, “Hey, Joe Biden’s doing a good job as president,” and that is providing its own form of clarity. Right. Biden is doing so poorly that we’re going to see a landslide election in November and people are going to start to take the country back.

BUCK: He’s not even likable.

CLAY: I agree.

BUCK: This was always mythology that was pushed by the Democrat media. He’s really corny. And Biden is really… It’s the same canned phrases, the same line, and he’s pretty spiteful and kind of a jerk. And, you know, you look at what’s going on with his with his son right now and the fact the media is not interested in that either; you get a real sense of the lengths they’re willing to go to, to prop up a narrative. Right. What they’re willing to talk about and not talk about.

CLAY: Also, not very smart. Right. I mean, you could criticize —

BUCK: I’ve said this a million times, I had a lot of a lot of problems with Obama. He was smart.

CLAY: Very bright guy!

BUCK: Biden, not smart.

CLAY: Agreed.

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