
Clay and Buck

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Child Abuse! FDA Approves Covid Boosters for Kids 5-11

17 May 2022

CLAY: I want to start with this, Buck, which I know is going to upset you. But it legitimately has me furious. There are now booster shots available for kids ages 5 to 11. Let me play that audio of that official announcement that has just come down and then we will react to it. Covid booster shots for kids ages 5 to 11. Here’s the news announcement.

ANNOUNCER: We just got some big breaking news in here the last 30 minutes or so — big news for parents specifically and young kids — the FDA now authorizing Pfizer’s covid booster for children ages 5 to 11!

CLAY: It’s child abuse, Buck, and I’ll be straightforward here. I have a 7-year-old, first grader, and I have a fifth grader who is 11. Neither one of these kids have gotten covid shots. We know that at least 75% of children all over the country have gotten covid already. This booster shot, there is no earthly reason for it to be occurring. I’m fired up about it. What about you, Buck?

BUCK: I’m worried that New York City is about to — and people might hear my voice, not so great over here.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: I’m worried New York City is about to go back into the madness of masking.

CLAY: We were texting about it yesterday.

BUCK: And they’re already doing it. They’re edging up with the rhetoric, and I think this is what they do. They say, “Okay, we strongly recommend,” “We urge you to,” and then eventually it’s, “Now you have to,” and we should all stop and take a moment here. We are now well past the two-year mark of the pandemic. How can they tell us…? We have a million that they say have died from covid over the course of two years. How can they tell us that they’ve been effective and that their policies have honestly made a damn bit of positive difference? It’s made a lot of negative difference.

CLAY: No doubt.

BUCK: But you sit here, and you say, “Okay. So the vaccines might be still effective for people who are older and at high risk,” if it was within the window of efficacy, which seems to go away very quickly.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: See this is part of the game that they play. They say, “Yeah, if you get boosted, you’re good! You’re good! You’re very, very, very unlikely, if you’re at high risk, end up in the hospital or die.” How long does that protection last? They don’t know. Fauci also doesn’t know how many of these shots you’re supposed to get even in a single year. And giving this to children, this is just an anxiety disorder that adults are playing out on their kids.

This is Munchausen by proxy. This is a real mental health issue now. Why would you give your children boosters for a virus that isn’t a danger to them, which is the…? I’m sick of people saying, “That’s not true!” What about…? And they point to somebody. They point to, you know, somebody who had extreme immunodeficiency they were born with, you know, a one-in-10 million case. Okay, that’s tragic, but we can’t make public policy based on that. If we make public policy based on one in a million, you’ll never leave your house again.

CLAY: That’s true.

BUCK: And this is what’s been forgotten in this whole process. This is what the Democrats have to confront at some point, I think. I just wonder what this is gonna look like going into the summer and going into the fall. Are they gonna claim that they’ve been victorious when we’re getting booster number what is it?

CLAY: Shot number five, I think.

BUCK: Number five. Yeah. I can’t even keep up.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Five shots. Clay, I’m hoping to leave the U.S. for the first time in a couple of weeks for a weekend, and I don’t even know if I’m in compliance! What does fully vaccinated even mean anymore?

CLAY: That’s a great question.

BUCK: I want to ask. Is my worthless J&J shot that was forced by the City of New York…? People are saying, “Oh, you…” I mean, I just wouldn’t have been able to work, would have been barred from every building where I do everything. You literally can’t go into an office building in New York. I couldn’t have gone to my brother’s wedding. And people say, “Oh, well, you could have a fake.”

Yeah. Trust me. If they’re gonna make an example of somebody for having a fake covid vaccine passport, it’s gonna be me. So I sit here and say, “Is that fully vaccinated?” This whole thing is crazy. And then basically, until we get to total just nullification through action, Clay, people just saying, “I’m done with this,” they’re gonna keep doing this forever.

CLAY: And the simple thing that I would ask everybody out there is this. Take it outside of covid. If I told you that you got five shots for measles in the space of, like, 15, 16 months, and then you still got the measles, what would your first reaction be?

BUCK: “I’m so thankful for the shots I got ’cause my measles would have been so much worse!” The genuflection of the libs.

CLAY: You would say this is the worst — curse, expletive, expletive — vaccine that has ever existed in the history of my life or American life. And yet we have got, Buck, people on five shots that still are going to get covid, and we talked about this. CNN even came out and said, hey, in January, 50%, nearly, of people that were dying — I think it was 40% in their article in January, though, of people that were dying — with covid were double vaccinated.

So now they’re saying, “Well, you have to get boosted ’cause the vaccine, the double shot that you got doesn’t really have any protection.” So I’m just sitting here for people out there who are watching MSNBC and CNN and are exulting — and I’m sure if I went on to Twitter right now, there would be some of the Blue Checkmark Brigade falling on their knees so thankful that their kids can get booster shots. Covid — and we’ve been singing this song for a long time, but I think it’s worth mentioning.

Your kids are more in dangerous driving to and from school on a school bus, your kids are more in danger of drowning, your kids are more in danger of dying with the flu if they are young. The idea that you would get them a vaccine that has absolutely no protection and get them boosted on that vaccine is, to me, child abuse.

BUCK: I just found this crazy right-wing site (sarcastic) known as WebMD where they have listed the latest CDC data, ’cause I was wondering about this. You know, you did a great interview… By the way, I was happy to come back and not see that Dub had replaced —

CLAY: (laughing) The entire show wasn’t burning Hindenburg style to the ground? Yeah.

BUCK: You know, producer Dub, I know when I’m away, that’s when he knows it’s time to set up the casino, invite over the sororities. Anyway. Did you ever have casino night? I was never in a fraternity, but they used to do these things when I was in college.

CLAY: We had a bunch of casino nights, and I was never a big fan of fake gambling, you know, like, what are you gonna win back in the day.

BUCK: Yellow line real gambling so fake gambling to me —

CLAY: I like real gambling, but —

BUCK: Well, maybe I will change. Maybe I’ll learn about… But I got diverted. This was actually important, I’m sorry. I was thinking about the keggerator that Dub was gonna install. All right. So I got the actual numbers here, ’cause I’ve been wondering about this. I heard you speak to Alex Berenson. You guys had a great interview on Friday.

We want to bring Alex because, again, he’s right. Like, I hate to be this guy who keeps pounding the same drum on this, but he’s been so consistent because he actually looks at the data. He has this secret sauce, he has this magic trick where he looks at what the numbers say and, based on the numbers, analyzes, comes up with analysis.

CLAY: Yeah, which, by the way, is what every single person who has been talking about covid for the past 2-1/2 years should have been doing and almost nobody bothered to do.

BUCK: “In August 2021…” Again, I’m reading to you from the WebMD site, so hopefully this won’t… You know, we get some marks sometime on Spotify for, like, covid misinformation or whatever, you know, they put their little disclaimer at the bottom.

CLAY: Somebody sent me that link. Yeah, I saw that. We get probably the best advertising we can gets ’cause all it’s telling you is that we’re actually being honest.

BUCK: Yeah. They should put a little disclaimer at the bottom of the Clay and Buck show that says, “These guys are right, Fauci is wrong, they are smarter than Fauci, stop listening,” but that’s not what the disclaimer says. “In August 2021, 19% of covid deaths occurred among vaccinated people.” Now, let me be clear. They were telling us in August of 2021 that it was —

CLAY: Nobody was dying.

BUCK: — nobody dying from covid who was vaccinated.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: You know, it was 1% or less. They lied. Okay? They were juicing the numbers. Almost 20% of people in August of 2021 were vaccinated? “By February of 2022,” again reading to you from WebMD right now, “40% of covid deaths in the vaccinated,” 40% of deaths in the vaccinated and people are still genuflecting and doing this, “I’m so happy I’m boosted and boosted and boosted again otherwise it was so dangerous!”

CLAY: When I saw CNN with that article, what percentage of Americans do you think know that by February of 2022 — couple of months ago — 40%, nearly half of the people that are dying with covid have had double vaccines? Almost no one knows that stat.

BUCK: And they’re still trying to force this on people as though this is a good idea?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Where are the people questioning this? Why hasn’t someone…? Can I put out a request? Our buddy Peter Doocy over at Fox News. Can you imagine Karine Jean-Pierre answering this question?

CLAY: We’re gonna play one of the worst White House press corps answers of all time for you in a minute.

BUCK: That’s coming up in a little bit. The next time… I don’t know who else to ask. I’m putting out like the Bat Signal, the Doocy Signal here. Can he ask Joe Biden, sir, 40% of deaths in — by the way, it was February. We’re in May. I would almost guarantee the numbers —

CLAY: Higher now. Yep.

BUCK: With each passing month because you get out of the window of protection which is why they’re playing this chase the booster game all the time. Forty percent. If we’re up at 50, 60% of those dying are vaccinated, what are we doing here? Like, what is the purpose of this?

CLAY: You can even tie it… Remember, it was July of 2021 Joe Biden specifically said, “If you get the covid vaccine shot, you won’t die of this.” It’s what he said. So we’re not even a year from that. So it’s an easy jump-off point. You told us in July of 2021 that if we got the covid shot you wouldn’t die of covid, yet now we’re approaching half of all covid deaths are in people who are double vaccinated. What’s happening there?

Why is that occurring? By the way, it’s a great question for Fauci too. He continues to do CNN, MSNBC. This is real data that’s out there. Why would you not be asking Dr. Fauci what’s going on with these covid shots. You told people if they got double vaccinated, they’re gonna be fine. Now you’re telling people, “Hey, you need to get your fifth shot or else,” and as we come in to fall and winter, I would suspect that the number of people dying with covid is going to continue to grow.

And I’ll just say this, Buck. The truth of the matter is if Donald Trump were still in office, many of these same outlets that are avoiding asking these questions would be lacerating him over all of this data. So why are we not asking questions that are significant of our government when the data is telling us this story? And I would just say again, if you’re getting your 5- to 11-year-old a covid booster shot, I question your ability to make rational and intelligent decisions on behalf of your child.

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