
Clay and Buck

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May 6th: Clay’s Mom and Buck’s Mom On the Air

29 Apr 2022

BUCK: My mom, Clay’s mom, next Friday on the show. Gonna be answering some questions, and we have a line set up for them. We gotta get all this stuff squared away here. It’s posted at the website. Go to ClayAndBuck.com, and there’s a call-in line.

Check this out: A call in line. If you want to ask my mom or Clay’s mom a question, you can call in and leave a voicemail. They will pick some question to pose to the moms, and they’re going to — on air — respond to your questions. So, go to ClayAndBuck.com for that. You can find out the truth. Was I the lead in the fifth-grade play in school?

You know, whatever you want to know. What was my first pet? Hint: Not a dog, in fact. Not a dog. There was a time when — that’s right — I had another pet. I don’t want to give it all away. I don’t want to give it all away. I don’t want to give it all away! So, you gotta ask questions for us. You gotta check in on us there.

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