
Clay and Buck

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Philly Brings Back Mask Mandate, Kamala Caught Maskless

11 Apr 2022

CLAY: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we told you this was going to happen. Some of you out there say, “I don’t know why you guys keep fighting battles over covid masking and everything else. Move on to other issues.” And what I’m here to say is, they’re not going to let go of covid. They aren’t.

We are going to have to kick their ass so bad in November that they don’t have any other options because they are going to hold on to covid with every fiber of their being. And covid restrictions are not going away. Even if they temporarily disappear, they’re always there looming in the background. Dr. Fauci is the villain that is hiding underneath your bed. He’s the bogeyman. He’s not ever going away. He’s gonna pop up, smurf-like, with the mask on yelling at you no matter what.

And I hate to say it — but if you’re listening in the Philadelphia area, they just announced in the last 15 minutes that they are bringing back your mask mandate. And now the question is going to be, Buck, will Washington follow, will New York City follow, L.A., San Francisco, Seattle, where we have a new affiliate — sorry, Seattle people, to bring you this news.

When left-wing cities start to make a move like this, what has been the pattern is other left-wing cities follow right along. Washington, D.C., just a little bit south of Philly, New York City just a little bit north. The mayors of those places, Bowser in D.C. and Adams in New York City — Buck, you know — they get jealous of their — of their restrictive counterpart in Philly.

BUCK: Let’s also they know that by comparison, right, if you’re London Breed, if you’re Eric Adams, if you’re Lori Lightfoot or — what’s the —

CLAY: Garcetti in —

BUCK: Thank you.

CLAY: — still in L.A. We got a lot of mayors now.

BUCK: Yeah. Garcetti if you’re any of these mayors and after the Philly mayor shuts down — or I shouldn’t say shuts down but implements masking again, it’s like, “Hey, do you not take the virus seriously?” You know, that then becomes the logic of the position, which is why the dominoes for the Democrats for this lunacy keep falling.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: Because by comparison, you don’t — if you’ve been a lockdowner all along, why take the heat now when others are already taking more restrictive measures?

CLAY: And they continue with all the ridiculous lies. We just played you Psaki trying to blame Vladimir Putin for inflation in the United States. Well, the Putin price hike as she said.

Also Kamala Harris wasn’t wearing her mask indoors, and as with other Democrats who are caught violating their own rules, there’s always an excuse in this case, it was a really historic moment, guys. Remember the photos get taken, oh, well, it was just for a photo. All of the lies continue to build, the covid hypocrisy doesn’t die. Here’s Psaki defending Kamala.

REPORTER: You said the vice president with masks indoors all day but the White House tweeted a video showing her standing over the president without a mask on. Can you explain what happened there?

PSAKI: Well, I would say that the vice president and the president and all of us abide by what the CDC protocols are. It was an emotional day, it was a historic day and there were moments when she was not wearing a mask inside, including in a photo, that she wearing at 99.99% of the time.

BUCK: (impression) Clay, excuse me the virus knows that, like, when really important people are taking, like, really important photos, the virus is, like, hold on a second, like, I don’t want to mess that up.

CLAY: That is her answer, by the way. Every moment in that public availability, there is going to be footage to reflect whether you had a mask on or not. So when Psaki lied and said, oh, Kamala Harris had a mask on the entire time and then all you have to do is just go, well, actually look at this photo, look at this video.

It’s the willfulness of the lies, they are not afraid of covid, right? They aren’t afraid — even Biden who probably should be afraid ’cause he’s 79 years old — I will give Biden credit here, if they’re being honest, how is it, Buck, that every other White House official but Biden has gotten covid?

Does Biden have the greatest immune system on the planet? It is kind of ridiculous. Psaki’s tested positive twice. It feels like every other White House official has tested positive, not even once, multiple times, and somehow Biden still has not tested positive. But if anybody in the White House were going to be nervous about covid, it should be Joe Biden, who’s 79 years old and statistically would be at a far higher rate of danger than almost anyone else in politics other than Nancy Pelosi, by the way, who already has recovered from covid and had no issues whatsoever.

BUCK: I just think that there’s also in the background of all this, Clay, what I said before I really mean — the Democrats are not gonna go down without the dirtiest fight possible in this midterm. This is why we keep saying, it’s looking good, folks, it’s looking good ’cause they want you to be motivated. But they’re gonna do everything they can to pull out at least enough key races that they can say that it was not a repudiation, it wasn’t that big — remember, as Clay has been saying, we need a reckoning, a red wetting, an absolute butt kicking — can I say the A-word?

CLAY: We can say “ass kicking.”

BUCK: Oh. Oh, well, hello. Okay. An ass kicking. Ooh. That felt good. We need that this fall — I do Bill Maher show. I know I can curse like an even F-bomb and I’m like, not with the people listening. And then of course off air I’m like, you know, bleepety-bleep-bleep.

Anyway, we need that. But, Clay, we also need to understand how covid plays into the strategy. And I think that as long as they keep some of the covid rituals ’cause that’s what they are in place, you’re gonna see pushes for mail-in balloting, you’re gonna see pushes for expanding voter times, all the different games they played the last time to give them an edge, they’re gonna do the exact same stuff. They’re trying to pass, what is it, H.R. 1, they’re trying to codify it all into law. But they’ll use emergency measures where they have a Democrat governor in a purple state, et cetera, to basic try to tilt the playing field to them again to cheat but within — to cheat but within the rules or within plausible rules, you know what I mean —

CLAY: The gray area. The gray area of the law is what they’re gonna try to take advantage of. And there’s a great piece, by the way, out today saying — and I know we got a lot of listeners in each of these six states. I’m gonna try to get it right. We’ll talk about it maybe a little bit tomorrow ’cause we had so many stories to hit today, we — I mean, I got a list here. We barely got through half of them, we got so much going on right now.

The 2022 election, Buck, and the 2024 election’s gonna come down to six states. That’s it, right? There are basically six states that are going to determine whether or not we have a Democratic or Republican Senate, what happens in the south and who wins the presidential election in 2024.

And those six states not surprisingly a lot of you can spend time, you’ve thought about it, you’ve analyzed it, but these six states, everybody who’s listening to out there, everybody needs to make a reckoning in 2022. But if you live in these six states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Nevada — if you live in those six states right now, you are going to decide the trajectory of our country in 2022 and 2024.

Now, everybody else in the other 44 states, you guys are going to have a substantial impact as well, and it’s important for you to go out and vote. But those are the six states that are going to decide Congress in November and the presidential election in 2024 at the upper — at the most important level. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada — we love all of you, but we particularly love you if you live in those six states ’cause you are gonna be deciding a lot.

BUCK: Clay is picking favorites right now.

CLAY: I’m picking favorites right now. I don’t like to pick my favorites. But if you live in those six states, you matter a little bit more. And, by the way, we’re number one in Phoenix, we’re number one in Milwaukee, and we’re number one in Las Vegas. Those are three big markets that are gonna have a massive impact. Georgia, huge audience. Michigan and Pennsylvania as well. But those three big markets, you guys listening right now, get ready to matter on a different level. We gotta get people out to the polls.

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