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Rochelle, Rochelle! CDC Director Pushes 4th and 5th Shots

6 Apr 2022

BUCK: We’re gonna be diving into the fourth shot. It is already here for covid, and the CDC director is like, “You are probably gonna need a fifth shot in the fall.” And I just want to know what the Vegas betting odds would be that you’re probably gonna need another booster three months after that one, maybe less than that, which would take you to shot six, if my math is correct. We’ll get into this in a minute. Clay, you are going to be a full six shots behind before you turn 44. I don’t even know what happens at that point, you know, you just —

CLAY: I don’t know. I mean, do I have to be a pincushion? You saw the German guy who got 90 shots, right?

BUCK: He takes the virus she seriously.

CLAY: He is the envy… Fauci was like… Oh, I need you to do your Fauci voice.

BUCK: (doing impression) We need in China the drones to actually just be saying, “Don’t go outside, do your part for the virus-suppression campaign. Your little Fido, don’t worry about, Fido will just go on the floor. Don’t worry about it. It’s about droplet suppression.” Those drones could be coming soon to a neighborhood near you unless we all finally wake up and realize that Fauci is wrong about all this stuff.

CLAY: What’s funny about this and also incredibly sad, Buck, is the Chinese people are pointing it out. They have a dark humor joke that they make on their social media because they get canceled if they say anything that’s too inappropriate. But they say that in China now, you can die of anything as long as it’s not covid.

And it’s a dark humor joke because people are dying left and right of all different sorts of diseases that aren’t covid, but it also raises a question, Buck, we’re over two years — 2-1/2 years — since covid emerged in China at least, and they’re still locking down. How long does this go on? Because it’s not as if covid’s going away.

BUCK: What you see is the reflection here of political ideology and this public health apparatus, what it actually means. When there is an inclination — which is obviously an extreme one in the case of communist China — to control people, not care what they think, not care how they suffer, to just have top-down control, covid is a great excuse for that. And you’re seeing the people that want to control every aspect of life in China at the top of the Chinese Communist Party, they’re still using covid.

This doesn’t bother them. They don’t care about the suffering that they inflict ’cause they say that it’s for the greater good. And in this country the Democrats who are the party of the State — as in the big S state, the leviathan, the control of your day-to-day lives — they embrace this as a tool not only for controlling people, but also for trying to remake aspects of society. They haven’t been entirely successful on that thankfully in the areas where they’ve tried it.

But they got much further than I anticipated. This is one of the places, Clay, where I’ve admitted, I overestimated the American people overall when it came to their desire for freedom and their willingness to call bullcrap when they see it. A lot of people in these cities are still acting like Fauci is their patron saint. And so when they hear CDC director Rochelle Walensky saying this, they just say, “All right. Gonna get another shot, I guess.”

BUCK: What do we think the chances are that they’re going to say this fall, “Yeah, you need another booster”? ‘Cause here’s what’s gonna happen. The booster probably will raise that antibody level, as we know, for a few months and you’ll have some enhanced protection if you’re at risk for those couple of months, maybe, hopefully, and then it will wane, and people who are on shot four are gonna start getting sick and start going to the hospital even though they’ve gotten four shots.

And then they’re gonna say, “Time for shot number five,” and also in order to sort of cover for the failure of the policy before, they’re gonna tell everybody, “Well, some people have to get fifth shots because they’re at such risk. Don’t be reckless. Everybody needs to get their second booster now across all age-groups.” That’s what they’re gonna say.

CLAY: And what is going to become a bigger topic, I think, is when is too many shots going to start to limit even the effect of those shots? Because take it outside of the world of vaccination, as most people understand, the more your body is exposed to something, the less significant, typically, the impact becomes over time. I don’t know what the answer to this is, but, Buck, if you and I had come on in our first shows that we were doing together in June and we had said:

“Hey, the covid shots that everybody’s rushing out to get right now aren’t gonna work that well, and you will be on your fifth shot by the time we get to the fall of 2022,” they wouldn’t have allowed that opinion to be shared. You couldn’t have said that on social media. You couldn’t have come on and said, “Hey, I know covid shots are going in now, but the first two shots are not gonna last.

“You’re gonna need a third, you’re gonna need a fourth, you’re gonna need a fifth.” This is never going to end, and so people are gonna have to make decisions. Are we going to get shots every three months for the rest of people’s lives? The one thing I will say that is a positive — I do think it’s worth mentioning — is BA.2 hasn’t really shown… I should probably knock furiously on wood right now, but this new BA.2 variant, Buck, that has been such a prominent factor in Europe for sure, has not arena shown up in major numbers here in the United States.

I was reading in the New York Times this morning, their opening morning newsletter was like, “Hey, why isn’t BA.2 a bigger issue in the United States right now?” My theory — and they gave several theories — I’m hopeful it’s because we finally have so much natural immunity ’cause everybody got it.

BUCK: For covid despite all the craziness.

CLAY: Despite everything, that’s the only thing that’s saving us, I think.

BUCK: Just in case you’re wondering if Fauci tires of coming out to saying (impression), “I don’t know when, I don’t know where, but at some point we are all gonna die.”

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: If you think he’s gonna get tired of that, you’re wrong. Here he is.

BUCK: “Out of the woods of seriousness.” First of all, notice, I think that is the first time… He might have mentioned it another time. That’s the first time I can remember Fauci referring to immunity from infection when it comes to covid. I haven’t really heard him saying it. If he’s brought it up, it’s always been to downplay it in favor of vaccinated immunity. Here he’s like, “Well, fortunately…” I mean, Clay, when they finally do the numbers, if they ever do — they’re never going to do it ’cause they don’t really know — 60 or 70% of the country ended up getting covid of one of the strains.

CLAY: I think it might even be higher.

BUCK: When you think about what we went through and you think about how many people got exposed to this and how many high-risk people got exposed to it even though we are supposed to be protecting our whole society by standing six feet apart in an elevator that’s 6-1/2 feet wide.

I mean, the whole thing is absurd and yet here he is telling you we can’t tell if there’s gonna be another variant and then everything may have to change again. We have to look back at what’s happened with the variants that have already been in circulation and say Fauci was basically wrong about everything. The health establishment will never recover the credibility that it’s lost.

CLAY: How many friends do you have, Buck, that have never had covid? I don’t even know… Like, people around my age, I almost know no one who hasn’t. Even some of the people who say, “Oh, I don’t think I had it, they’re like but I had a small fever, they just haven’t gotten tested.” I hardly know anyone. I don’t know any parent that doesn’t have either them or their kids having had covid. Most of them have had both.

BUCK: We were told — and they never went back on this. They just stopped talk about it because I think it conflicted. It was always about the messaging and getting people to comply and keeping this feeling going. You know, Clay, there is a brilliant… Thomas Sowell is one of my favorite conservative, contemporary conservative writers and thinkers. And this was just out from an account that shares Thomas Sowell quotes.

Which he’s got so many you go, aw, yeah, that’s a brilliant one. This is from Thomas Sowell. “Virtually no idea is too ridiculous to be accepted even by very intelligent and highly educated people if it provides a way for them to feel special and important.” Now, he wrote that years and years ago. That is a perfect encapsulation of what the pajama-wearing, Zoom-from-home, “everyone else who’s an essential employee has to go to work while I can just sit at home and take selfies with my mask on ’cause I take the virus seriously,” they were willing to believe lunacy, I mean, sheer lunacy —

CLAY: Still are!

BUCK: — and still are — because it made them feel good about themselves. Into because it made them safer necessarily, not that it actually made any sense, but they got to think, “I’m a good person because I’m doing what the good people do.” And you have people that have, you know, very high IQs, very high brain power, et cetera, who look like utter morons on this because the vanity was the single biggest compelling factor for them, the vanity of double masking at home alone.


CLAY: Now at least many cases of defense of the regime is what goes on. In other words, late-night talk show hosts you’re around may age, certainly if you’re older, you remember that Democrats and Republicans were equal opportunity for ridicule. Amazingly, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are probably the biggest ridiculable, if that’s a word — I hope it is; if it isn’t, it should be: the biggest ridiculable — combo of all time, potentially, Buck, in terms of just comedic opportunities that both of them regularly provide to anyone who is trying to mock the existing political infrastructure.

Well, it’s been almost nonexistent for both of them as well as for all of this covid absurdity where you’re being told one thing one day, another thing the next day, and all of it’s being delivered as if the experts are never wrong. Well, you know people are getting tired of it when Saturday Night Live — who, Buck, we’ve played a couple of clips of them ridiculing the covid world — and also now even Jimmy Fallon, who is probably the least adventurous in terms of mocking everything, out there, had this to say about CDC and covid.
FALLON: After taking on criticism for their handling of the pandemic, the CDC has announced plans to revamp the agency. IT’s like when Domino’s ran those ads that said, “We know we suck, and we’re gonna work on it.”

AUDIENCE: (laughing)

FALLON: Remember that? The CDC will announce their plan next month and then a new plan the month after, then go back to the original plan.

BUCK: By the way, it’s observational humor, really, because that is what has gone on here. I mean, it is a remarkable feat, but the CDC in the minds of Americans who pay attention and still have rational faculty available to them, the CDC is the worst three-letter agency in the federal government in terms of just worthlessness and being wrong. Even beats out the FBI and the CIA.

CLAY: Yeah, and even the CDC as a collective whole is worse than the NIH’s Dr. Fauci, who is — I think at this point without a doubt — the worst bureaucrat in the history of the United States.

BUCK: Yep.

CLAY: I don’t even know who’d be —

BUCK: Most destructive.

CLAY: — in the second position right now.

BUCK: The worst. The absolute worst.

CLAY: In terms of the negative impact that he has had on this country, I can’t remember a bureaucrat in the United States who has ever been in a worse spot than him.

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