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Rush’s Timeless Wisdom: Democrats Undermined Integrity of Elections

14 Jul 2021

RUSH: These people, meaning the Democrats, their refusal to accept the results of 2016, they still haven’t, folks. They are still out pushing the idea that Trump stole that election with the Russians. They are still pushing it. They have done more to tarnish the reputation, the image, the sanctity of the American electoral system than any saboteur could. The Democrat Party has done more to ruin the perceived honesty and integrity of our electoral process than anything that Putin ever could.

And it’s a shame because there is no way — and I want you to listen to me here — there is no way to rig a presidential election the way they are claiming Trump did. Now, you would need a really close election, where the Democrats could say we need an additional 50,000 votes in Cook County or we need additional 80,000 in West Virginia, and you delay closing in those places, and you manufacture the votes.

You mentioned Al Franken finding votes in the trunk of a car two weeks later! You can do that. But you need the election to be over. You need it to be over, and you need to know how many votes you need and where. And then you need to be able to offer a good excuse why the votes haven’t been counted yet.

But to go in and rig the election before Election Day to make sure that no matter what happens your guy is gonna win, it’s not possible, folks. It simply isn’t poss. And no less than Barack Hussein Obama has made this point. And yet the Democrat Party has done everything it can to make people in this country believe that’s exactly what happened, that the Russians wanted Trump; and so they made it happen, and that Trump knew about it and helped them and worked with ’em.

BUCK: Clearly talking about election integrity there and belief in the fairness of our elections, Clay. And I know we were talking Cuba, but we transitioned there and Rush talking about that. The essential point — and it’s one you make, it’s one I make, it’s one everyone needs to keep in mind — is that Democrats are the experts in undermining elections that don’t go the way they want them to and have been for a very long time. So there is some irony here in the “our sacred elections for our democracy” stuff from Biden and all the rest.

CLAY: Four years of questioning Trump’s win illegitimately, spending hundreds of millions of dollars on investigations to try to prove that it was illegitimate. And this last six months is the Civil War, according to Joe Biden, the most significant threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

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