
Clay and Buck

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Biden Targets New Villains: The Unboosted

4 Jan 2022

CLAY: Biden was talking here in the last 20 or 30 minutes. Let’s first play cut 30. Joe Biden says, if you’re vaccinated and boosted, you’re highly protected. If you’re unvaccinated, you should be alarmed.

BIDEN: We have booster shots for the whole notion, okay? (sputters) You could still get covid, but it’s highly unlikely, very unlikely that you’ll become seriously ill. And we’re seeing covid-19 cases among vaccinated in workplaces across America, including here at the White House. But if you’re vaccinated and boosted, you are highly protected. You know (pause), be concerned about Omicron, but don’t be alarmed.

If you’re unvaccinated, you have some reason to (sputters) be alarmed. Many of you will, y’know, uh, uh, uh (sputters), you know — you’ll experience severe illness many cases if you get covid-19 if you’re understand vaccinated. Some will die, needlessly die. Unvaccinated are taking up hospital beds and crowding emergency rooms and intensive care units. That’s the place other people need access to those hospitals. So please, please, please, get vaccinated now.

BUCK: Let’s be very clear about something. He is — and it’s happening in real time. You’re actually hearing the propaganda come out of his mouth. He is intentionally now conflating this perception of the unvaccinated and the unboosted. This is what he’s saying. You can hear it. He says, “If you are vaccinated and boosted, you are very unlikely to be hospitalized or die from covid.” The reason he’s saying that is because as we know the data reflects if you’re just vaccinated, you’re maybe still going to the hospital.

The numbers aren’t nearly as strong. So what he’s doing here is suggesting that essentially if you are not vaccinated and boosted, you are becoming part of the unvaccinated, unwashed masses, so to speak. This is what’s happening in real time because notice how he keeps throwing those two things together. We know from the U.K. data that just vaccination alone was not sufficient.

CLAY: 80% of the people dying.

BUCK: Correct.

CLAY: For people out there who missed the data there, the distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated — I think you’re right talking about the booster element — 80% of the people dying in the U.K. were vaccinated in recent months. Like in January, 80% of the people. We had Senator Ron Johnson on talking about that. We had Alex Berenson on sharing that data, which doesn’t get discussed very much. And, by the way, you just heard Rand Paul say, our CDC doesn’t even give us this date, right? They’ve done such an awful job of sharing that data.

BUCK: They don’t want to keep it, but you see what’s happening now. The same way that you can tell there has been this shift in the rhetoric away from breakthrough cases —

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: — as we’ve discussed, they don’t even discuss breakthrough cases anymore ’cause it’s like all breakthrough cases pretty much now all over the place. So that’s one aspect of it. But the other one is that soon you’re seeing this transition. It’s gonna happen over the next 30 days. The unboosted are going to be treated like — it’s already happening in New York where there’s a booster mandate, everybody, not just a vaccine mandate, a booster mandate on the books that’s supposed to go into effect.

Now will take some weeks ’cause first shot, et cetera, et cetera. But a cleavage is occurring right now from which if you are unwilling to go along with the booster program, they are going to start viewing you and treating you as just the, quote, “unvaccinated” even though millions and millions of people got the vaccine, so to speak, and don’t want to get the booster, they’ll be in the unvaxxed category soon based on the Biden regime approach. It’s going to happen.

CLAY: You’re gonna be joining me, ’cause you’ve got the Spirit Airlines Johnson & Johnson vaccine which had almost no impact but you don’t want to get boostered and there are millions of people out there — tens of millions based on the data — that listened and said, “Hey, you know what? I’m gonna go get the vaccine, I’m gonna listen, I’m gonna heed all of this instruction,” and now a lot of those people, Buck — and we hear from ’em every day — are saying, “Wait a minute.

“I trusted you when you told me to get the vaccinated. You told me if I got the vaccine I would neither get nor spread covid, that that would end my danger as either a spreader or a person who got it myself,” and instead now they are shifting that narrative to the vaccinated isn’t enough. You’ve gotta get boostered. That’s the reason why we’re having an issue now.

BUCK: And everyone should understand that we are now all gerbils on a wheel that Fauci keeps turning faster and faster, because, okay, maybe they make you submit in New York and other some places. Understand, in New York City now, I have no choice, you can’t actually go into employers now under New York law, crazy as this is in the city at least without being vaccinated. So there was gonna be no choice. They weren’t going to allow any choice in this.

That’s been clear all along. But if you don’t keep up with the… This is what I mean by the verbal — hamster wheel, gerbil, same thing right? They both do the wheel. If you don’t keep up with whatever the booster schedule is you then become a public health menace, you’re part of the unvaxxed hordes, and this is what some of us have been warning the country about for about six months.

CLAY: And here’s the question I have Buck and I think there’s a lot of people listening who are in my similar position. I don’t even know when I’m gonna be able to go to New York City anymore, right? Why would I travel to New York City? For people out there who don’t know, I had covid. I’ve not ever gotten any of the vaccines. Now I’m gonna be like three shots behind. I may end up being four shots behind soon. I’m not going to get the covid vaccine.

BUCK: They’re gonna meet you at the airport in haz-mat suits, Clay, at this rate. (laughing)

CLAY: Right. But there are tons of people out there listening to us who are like me who would have enjoyed going to New York City, have enjoyed going to Broadway plays, have enjoyed taking our kids to Central Park, have enjoyed the experience of taking a vacation in the summer or in a school holiday setting in New York City because that’s a huge part of the overall New York experience is the number of tourists that would come up there. Not to mention that I could come up for work or whatever reason. I legitimately don’t want to. My wife was joking about this with me recently. She was saying, “Hey, we just gotta get a map and we’re gonna have to start crossing out states where you’re not allowed to go basically.”

BUCK: And people have asked me upping going down to Florida for vacation and I say you I can’t, because I can count on it, because I know they’re not gonna shut down restaurants.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: They’re not gonna shut down flights. They’re not gonna do anything crazy. Yeah, it’d be nice to go to places. I have friend who are planning on going to Europe for New Year’s. That didn’t work out quite as well all kinds of testing requirements and restrictions. But just also the anxiety, and is this the intangible. For those of you listening who are not in blue-dominated city or a blue state, I’m just telling you, you can’t even begin to get a sense unless you spend time in those places, of how much anxiety there is.

It’s palpable. How everyone walks around… Not everybody. There are people like me that are the unmasked bandits but in general people walking around completely freaked out you got adults for a long time that are masking their kids and not masking themselves. This is really a society that’s like mentally imploding. I mean, that’s what’s actually happened in the blue states, and the fallout from this is gonna take a long time. There’s a lot of couch sessions coming up for people across America in the Democrat enclaves.

CLAY: No doubt, Buck. Look, I’m joking about it, but it’s actually true my wife and I were talking about, “Hey, where do we want to go on vacation this summer?” and we were legitimately crossing out states. And I think, by the way? I’ve never been to Montana. I’m a big fan of the Yellowstone television show. I think Montana is gonna get the Travis family tourist dollars where other states might have.

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