
Clay and Buck

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Little Lab Coat Tyrant Pushes Vax Mandate to Fly

3 Jan 2022

CLAY: We know that vaccine mandates don’t work — Buck is sitting right now in New York City, which has had one of the strictest vaccine mandates in the world — and also we know that masks don’t work. New York City with an all-time high right now in covid cases. The same thing is starting to happen in Los Angeles. Washington, D.C., has strict mandates that are in place.

And Washington, D.C., for much of the holiday season had the highest rate of covid anywhere in the country. And what happens is these maniacs believe when things don’t work, they need to come up with other things that are not gonna work that are further gonna restrict and hamstring everyone and try to make it look like that’s what really ended up shifting the tide.

Even though this is a virus that we’re gonna have relatively no impact on with much of the cosmetic theater that we are involved in. And that’s why when Dr. Fauci went on MSNBC on December 27th and he said, “A vaccine mandate for all fliers on U.S. domestic airlines is reasonable requirement and something that should seriously be considered,” I saw it and I said, “My God. This is driving me insane, even the discussion of it.” It’s cut 17.

FAUCI: If you’re talking about requiring a vaccination to get on a plane domestically, that is just another one of the requirements that I think is reasonable to consider and I think that’s what you’re talking about when you heard me make a comment. You know, there’s requirements that you might want to get if you want to get into college or you want to go to a university or you want to work in certain places. When you make vaccination a requirement, that’s another incentive to get more people vaccinated. If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered.

BUCK: You know, Clay, it’s not an “incentive” that the IRS will throw you in prison if you don’t pay your taxes.

CLAY: (laughing) Yeah.

BUCK: Notice the way that Fauci, the lab coat tyrant, sets all this up. (impression) “If you get the shot, you can keep your job.” What a great perk! What a benefit! This is not the way this works, actually. When you threaten people… You know, the armed robber is not doing you a favor by letting you live after they have stolen from you. That’s not the way that we formulate these things, and what he’s doing here on the possible vaccine mandate for airline travel is to forget about the fact that the whole basis for vaccine mandates isn’t about individual safety, ’cause that’s a choice issue. It’s about stopping the spread, which vaccines don’t do.

CLAY: That’s right, and this is what’s so frustrating about the underlying argument is the vaccines. Everybody, if we had a 100% vaccination rate, we’d still have pretty much the exact same outbreak that’s going on right now because they don’t work.

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