
Clay and Buck

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This Is Incredibly Dumb — Even for Joy Behar

2 Jul 2021

CLAY: This is Joy Behar. By the way, congrats to Meghan McCain, whose has left some of the idiots that are on The View as she moves on you into the next chapter of her life. But Joy Behar — who I think, Buck Sexton, you do a great impersonation of, if I’m not mistaken.

BUCK: (impression) “Well, thank you, Clay!”

CLAY: (chuckles) Joy Behar came out and said that the reason the media is attacking Kamala Harris — well, actually, in fact, she said “the right” — is because she’s a black woman, and they don’t say bad things about Biden because he looks like them. This is so incredibly dumb, I thought you had to hear it. Listen.

BEHAR: I mean, this is the second big story about Kamala Harris and — and negative. The first was at the border, and now this. She’s only been in the job for six months. Uhhh, you know, uh, Joe Biden was, uh, working in Congress 40 years before he became vice president. Ummmm… And, y’know, what’s interesting is that it will be used by the right wing to attack the Biden administration.

And isn’t it interesting that they go after a black woman? They don’t go after a white guy, Joe Biden, as much because Joe Biden looks like the base on the right. He looks like them. So it’s hard for them to, like, get mad at — at him, because then they get mad at themselves, you see? Something like psychological is going on there. And, uh, so she doesn’t look like — like, uh, the base. So it’s easy to go after her.

BUCK: It’s tough to say what could be the dumbest political analysis ever uttered on The View.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: I mean, that is going… You gotta go to the transcript, my man, you gotta go way back because there is some truly mind-blowing stuff. But that’s up there. We won’t criticize Joe Biden? Conservative media makes fun of Mr. Magoo Biden all day long! I mean, it gets to the point where we almost start to feel bad. How could she even say this out loud and not feel like an idiot?

CLAY: It goes to my point when I break it down for you, Buck. Is this dumb by Joy Behar or is it an intentional lie? Because we’ve been doing this show for two weeks now. What percentage of time do you think we have said bad things about Kamala Harris compared to Joe Biden? Joe Biden has gotten crushed ’cause he’s the president. He’s the top of the chain.

BUCK: Far more important to our political analysis. But here’s where we really gotta go with this. You saw The Politico piece.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: We talked about this. People in her office are clearly unhappy speaking — and it’s early too. I mean, you gotta remember. For most people who work in politics, the first last year of a new administration — especially if you’re a lower-level staffer or something — you’re just happy to be there.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: This is just about your resume. You’re not making a ton of money. That’s not the point. You’re working for the vice president’s office or you’re working in the White House. So for people to be disgruntled six months in and lots of them, obviously — and to be leaving — shows dysfunction, but now we get to why are Democrat journos reporting on dysfunction in Kamala’s office? I got a theory. What’s your theory?

CLAY: My theory is that this is Biden and his crew kneecapping her. I think that they, in their mind, want Joe Biden to run again. I think this is the Biden people. Maybe not Biden himself, but you know, power is based on proximity. And Joe Biden has made a lot of guys very, very powerful.

And I think they are convinced that she is trying to slide in and believes has she would be the presumptive nominee, and so I think this is about them kneecapping her to make clear, “Hey, you work for us. We don’t work for you,” ’cause I think this is mostly coming from the Biden side inside of the White House to go after her. What’s your theory?

BUCK: I would be totally down to cosign that analysis. I think that’s possible — and again, we’re just theorizing.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: We don’t know. Another possibility, though, that I would put out there is that there’s a recognition among some parts of the journo left and the Democrat Party elite and establishment that if the plan (which I believe it was) was for Kamala to be the candidate the next time around.

Meaning in the next election, that Joe Biden would not run for reelection — which he even said himself at some point, just so everyone remembers that, that he’d only be a one-termer; then he changed — I think people on the Democrat side are worried, “Oh, my gosh.”

CLAY: She’d get crushed.

BUCK: Kamala can’t get this done and are starting to try to create a… Maybe that just means Biden has to stay in it, or maybe they throw somebody else in the mix. Maybe all the sudden they decide somebody else has to step up into that role.

CLAY: You know what’s gonna happen? It’s gonna be racist and sexist to say anything negative about Kamala.

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