
Clay and Buck

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YouTube Dings Us for Sharing “Medical Misinformation”

17 Dec 2021

CLAY: We played you the audio of under-oath Senate testimony from the CEO of Southwest Airlines and the CEO of American Airlines saying that they did not believe that masks on airplanes made you any safer at all. After we had that discussion, we also are starting to post clips, by the way, on YouTube from the show. We took that discussion that we had in conjunction with the CEO of Southwest Airlines and the CEO of American Airlines, discussing mask efficacy or the lack thereof in their opinion on their airplanes.

YouTube said that that was not a permissible opinion to share on their website, and they dinged us for sharing “medical misinformation.” Now, this is significant because we weren’t claiming to be doctors. We were sharing the opinions of two airline CEOs! Buck, two guys that I would venture to say probably know quite a bit about the safety of airplanes across the board since it is their entire business.

BUCK: The First Amendment as a principle has effectively no meaning if it doesn’t include discussion. We always say, “Well, what’s the heart of the First Amendment?” Criticizing your government. Talking about policy. The First Amendment should not be suspended, either as a matter of law or a matter of principle… I know people who say, “Oh, but these are private platforms.”

You should not be suspended on the issue of medical policy just because some people are always afraid and always terrified and want to control everybody around them, and that’s what’s happened here. We’ve been talking about for months now about vaccine failure, and what do we get? People say, “Oh, that’s not true, and that’s horrible and how dare you?” and there are hit pieces and all this other stuff. The vaccines as a matter of stopping the spread as a policy have failed.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: As a policy to stop the spread, it has failed. As a personal effective measure, it is effective against hospitalization and death, not really against infection, folks. So just remember, you very well could get covid even if you vaxxed and boostered. If you’re at risk, it will probably keep you out of the hospital or make it less severe if you go into the hospital. So still very worthwhile. Clay’s parents, Buck’s parents, boosted as well as vaccinated to be very clear.

But we need to separate out these discussions because all this stuff we’re doing is about source control as a matter of mandates, right? The mandates are about, “Oh, well, you don’t have the right to make the decision for yourself. You are gonna give it to other people.” Well, those who listen to the that and are board with that and said, “This is great,” are still walking around and infecting people.

You see Cornell, Stanford, the schools, you talk about the sports leagues, schools are going full virtual right now. They’re going full-on virtual. These are campuses are mandatory not only vaccine but testing and mask requirements. My friends, how much more obvious can it be that the Fauciite mitigation regime doesn’t work when places that require vaccines and masks and weekly testing are shutting down because of too many covid cases?

What else has to happen? Fauci is — I wish I could curse on radio — the absolute worst, and the people that have propped him up and pushed all this are doing an enormous disservice to their fellow Americans — and, obviously, to the whole world — and this is why I get so angry with YouTube and Twitter and these social media platforms. They shut… Is Alex Berenson back on Twitter, Clay?

CLAY: Of course not.

BUCK: Banned from Twitter. He was right.

CLAY: About everything.

BUCK: Twitter should send him a bottle of champagne and a “We are so sorry we’re a bunch of lib jerks.”

CLAY: There’s no doubt, and look, the other thing here is, the Democrats for a while… I don’t even know if they’re still trying to argue it. They were the party of science, right? That was such a ridiculous argument because anyone who has ever studied any kind of science knows that science is about questioning everything. You have to be insanely skeptical of all scientific truths and challenge them all the time lest you end up believing things that are untrue.

And for people out there who believe that science never gets things wrong, hey, anybody remember bloodletting? It wasn’t that long ago that the way that you would treat somebody when they were sick was by bleeding them! That was the consensus opinion of science. The way that we advance science is not by blindly believing that which is in front of us. It’s by challenging everything.

And, by the way, there’s still a lot of blind believers. On MSNBC, Buck, if you listen to this cut, they were saying, “Hey, how dare Southwest’s CEO and how dare American Airlines’ CEO share their opinions on masks?” ’cause it doesn’t fit what MSNBC wants their opinion to be. Listen to this. I believe Morning Joe. Cut 8.

KATTY KAY: I’m just not sure I’d be at all comfortable, Joe, would you, getting on a plane if no one was wearing masks?

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Yeah, no. I mean, listen, I know that they’ve improved the airflow. But if they have proof of that, I want to see the medical studies and the documentation. And because if — if masks don’t make any difference, then we all would like to not wear masks. But, Katty, that seems a little crazy.

KATTY KAY: (snickering) I would get on those planes.

BUCK: “I would not get on those planes,” she says. Okay, hold on a second. Does she think the virus can call a time-out when everyone’s eating for 15 or 20 or 30 minutes at a time? Does she think that there’s actually a free zone you can get into when you have to mask up between bites? This is so obvious, but people are so dug in to thinking that they’re smart and virtuous and good that they can’t even think through.

What’s more likely? A high-tech actual HEPA filter, they call it, that will take all the particulates and the virus out of the air — it’s an actual filtration system that is science-based — or pulling up and down your Biden-Kamala 2024 mask in between bites of potato chips? Which one of these is more scientific, Joe? Think it through.

CLAY: Well, how about Joe Scarborough not being willing to trust the opinion of the Southwest CEO and the American CEO? Just take yourself out of the picture yourself. Do you think that airline CEOs are in the business of putting their passengers at risk? The number one responsibility of every airline CEO is to ensure that people who get on their planes healthy, get off their planes healthy, that planes don’t crash, that people are not unnecessarily put at risk during the course of air flight and travel.

You think those guys are going to cavalierly risk their business? The only reason, by the way, both of these CEOs — under oath in the Senate, I might add — under oath were willing to share their opinion, I think, Buck, is ’cause they’re both retiring. That’s why. Retirement gave them the freedom, after 18 months of following this cosmetic theater charade, to finally step forward and say:

“You know what? There’s no reason why at airports you have to wear a mask.” Buck, I talk about this all the time. The only place in all of Nashville — the only place in the entire state of Tennessee — that you have to wear a mask is the airport. Only place. Nowhere else that I go am I required to wear a mask. I had to put one on this morning.

BUCK: And think about this. So everyone who comes in to the state of Tennessee, they’re gonna go restaurants and bars and hotels and see family and see friends, no masks. But it’s really important to harass them for that five minutes they walk from the gate to the exit where they’re picked up or where they hop into a family member’s car. Really important to make sure they’re not spreading covid then. My friends, you’ve been lied to.

The people saying this to you are control freaks and idiots, and it’s obvious now. They’ve failed. They’re never gonna tell you they failed. They failed, and a big part of that failure comes from their absolute obsession with shutting down things like what we’re doing: Open discussion about this. If we’re wrong, we tell you. If we’re right, we tell you. We tell you what’s actually happening. Let’s have different voices on here.

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