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Elizabeth Warren Blathers Back at Musk, SCOTUS

16 Dec 2021

CLAY: We’re gonna have some fun for you, one of the dumbest people in media, Joy Reid, fired up about Elon Musk. But we talked about this yesterday, maybe the day before. Elon Musk and Elizabeth Warren going back and forth at each other over taxes and tax rates and tax being paid and everything else. And Joy-Ann Reid decided to jump in. But make no mistake what’s going on here. I think this a calculated decision, Buck, by Elizabeth Warren.

As the Biden administration is floundering and as there is more and more public discussion — certainly way more than that private discussion — about whether or not Joe Biden is going to run in 2024, I think that Elizabeth Warren is trying to stake out a position for herself on the leftward edge of the Democrat Party potentially for the primary going forward, ’cause people are talking about Kamala, they’re talking about Mayor Pete, and Elizabeth Warren’s kind of waving her arm — Pocahontas — and saying, “Hey, wait a minute! You’re forgetting about me,” and she came out and said, “It’s time to pack the Supreme Court” straight up, not tiptoeing up to it at all. Let’s play cut 4.

WARREN: The problem we’ve got is, first, that Mitch McConnell hijacked this court. He stole a Supreme Court seat so that President Obama didn’t get to name someone, and then he crammed through a nominee just weeks before President Biden was elected. We’ve got a court that, over time, is taking out the basic notion of the rule of law, the idea that we decide something and we pretty much stick with it. This court has lost the respect of the American people, and the only way I believe that we’re gonna rebuild that is we need to bring in more justices, we need to get some balance back in this court.

BUCK: This is just blather. This is idiotic beyond even what you could express through analysis of her words. First of all, what is she even saying? The process is the process, and it was not broken or changed in any way. The Senate did what it did, and we have a Senate that has certain rules for how you get a Supreme Court nominee through. Mitch McConnell didn’t change the rules. Mitch McConnell didn’t say what now the libs are saying, which is they want a one-time break.

A one-time break in the filibuster so they can get through a big voting rights change, which would essentially federalize state elections, which would open up a tremendous door to fraud and the inability to even catch election fraud because of the way they want to structure it. This is just, when they don’t get their way, the institutions have to be scrapped or changed dramatically. When they do, the institutions are sacred. This is the classic Democrat thing. It’s the same you’re hearing now about how the Senate is “antidemocratic” because they represent states and not individual population centers. This is what they always say when they don’t get their way.

CLAY: And the idea that you’re going to create more political legitimacy for the Supreme Court by — for the first time in hundreds of years — expanding the number of Supreme Court justices is a ridiculous argument that Elizabeth Warren certainly has to see through. And, Buck, the argument of, “Hey, they don’t respect precedent,” well, it was only a few years ago that gay marriage was allowed to become the law of the land. The Supreme Court typically…

Now, they’re worried about what’s gonna happen with Roe v. Wade, but the Supreme Court typically has been over the last 40 or 50 years very expansive in terms of creating rights that may or may not have existed under the textual analysis of the Supreme Court. So all of a sudden you get threatened because Trump — and this is a big deal, and I think it doesn’t get enough attention.

For somebody out there who was an anti-Trump person, Trump got three Supreme Court justices on the court, relatively young ages, that are gonna be there for the next — theoretically if they stay healthy — sometimes 30 and 40 years for these justices. The Lincoln Project people out there, Hillary Clinton would have made all three of those appointments but for Donald Trump getting elected when she did. And if that had occurred, God forbid what the Supreme Court would be saying right now ’cause they already had a strong left wing.

BUCK: It’s so transparent, though. With Warren, she’s just giving voice to a common theme on the left, and it is the Supreme Court is political when it doesn’t give us the political outcome we want.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: Right? It’s politicized when I don’t get my way. This is like a child throwing a tantrum, right? If they don’t want to share their toys, that’s okay. When someone else in the sandbox doesn’t share their toys, though, they’re being mean. It is a childish view of the Supreme Court that you get from Democrats. It’s obvious. But they convince themselves of it and it doesn’t matter. Oh, we should court pack because the court has lost legitimacy? Think about how stupid that is.

CLAY: Before the court’s even issued a ruling, by the way, Buck.

BUCK: They don’t even know! Clay, this is what they always do. They know Biden Year One is a disaster. The Democrat brand is circling the toilet bowl right now. They know it’s in bad shape. So what are they already preparing for? Break-the-glass plan, man! They’re trying to figure out how they can change the way not who or why they want to vote, how votes with counted, where votes are cast, what the legal system is around the election. They want to change the rules of the game because they can’t win the game as it stands right now, and they know it.

CLAY: This is an area, by the way, that I think Trump missed on in the 2020 election. Joe Biden got to run the entire campaign without ever having to take a position on whether or not the Supreme Court should be expanded, and nobody in the media hammered him on it. You don’t get to just say, “Oh, I don’t really want to answer that question.” You’re running for president of the United States! It’s kind of a big issue. And he hasn’t even still to this day, to my knowledge, has not given an official position himself on whether this should happen or not.


CLAY: I can’t believe this clip is real, Buck. Every now and then we play a clip and I just… My jaw drops over how insanely stupid it is. And you know how often it is connected to either Joy Reid on MSNBC or Joy Behar on The View? A huge percentage of the time. The two Joys are probably the dumbest people in media, and that’s saying something, ’cause there’s a lot of dumb people in our industry. But can you think of someone who consistently says dumber things than the two of them?

BUCK: The guy who is running for lieutenant governor of Texas, the former Republican turncoat, Dowd. He’s up there. There are a few. There are a few. Steve Schmidt on MSNBC says stunningly stupid things. But he says it as though he’s just cracked a thesaurus before he comes on air to use some big words to make it sound less dumb to some people. But, no, I mean… I don’t know. Joy Behar is really, I think, in a class by herself.

CLAY: But at least she’s —

BUCK: She’s a comedienne.

CLAY: In her defense, she was a comedienne. So, she’s not necessarily known for being a political heavyweight. She has kind of stumbled into whatever job she has found.

BUCK: Joy Reid went to Harvard, folks.

CLAY: Did she go to Harvard?

BUCK: Joy Reid went to Harvard.

CLAY: (sigh)

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: I don’t know that Joy Behar graduated from high school. So the Joy Reid stupidity is far more disappointing, all right? So, I want you to listen to this argument. So, you guys know this ’cause we talked about it and hopefully you saw it. Elon Musk, I don’t agree with everything associated with his relationship with China. That’s pretty much the only thing I can point to with Elon Musk that I’m like, “Hey,” and I don’t expect for every public figure to agree with me on everything.

So I’m not one of those people who’s like, “I’ve got a litmus test, and if you don’t agree with 10 out of 10 things with me I can’t appreciate you.” No. I like most of what I see Elon Musk doing and saying. I love that he’s a capitalist. I love that he’s a warrior for free speech.

That he’s willing to stand up to these stupid, indefensibly absurd rules and policies associated with different identities that are out there. I love that he attacks cancel culture. So he’s been going after it with Elizabeth Warren. Before that, he was going after it with Bernie Sanders. So Joy Reid decided that she needed to defend Elizabeth Warren, and this is the clip that was on her show last night. Listen to this.

REID: Elon wasn’t happy. So he did what he always did and stomped his little feet and insulted Senator Warren, calling her an angry mom and referring to her as “Senator Karen.” (dramatic pause) So for so many reasons, being a freeloader and a selfish and disrespectful one — and for misappropriating black vernacular for misogynistic purposes — Elon Musk is the absolute worst. You know, Senator Warren has better things to do than fight with Junior Birdman on Twitter.

BUCK: Okay. Elon Musk is the richest man on the planet because he’s really smart, okay? (laughing) So the notion that he’s…

CLAY: He created his wealth out of nothing. Didn’t get rich ’cause his dad had money or his family had money. He is the ultimate capitalist in the entire world.

BUCK: So that’s interesting but the other part of it, I think as many people may have said, “Huh?” So this term “Karen,” which I actually… People use it and I might even use sometimes. I don’t really like it. I think it is a term used to disparage white women, right?

CLAY: No doubt.

BUCK: But sometimes it seems pretty appropriate. I get it. It’s for the person who calls the manager unnecessarily and is complaining and being difficult about somebody. But there’s some tones, there’s some aspects of it that I find a little troubling. Put that aside for a second. We’re not allowed to use the term “Karen” now?

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: I just want to know. It is a a term of disparagement by Joy Reid’s own admission here for white women but because she says it comes out of “the African-American vernacular”?

CLAY: Did black people create the “Karen” insult? Is that…? I don’t even know the etymology originates.

BUCK: So now I or you or Elon Musk can’t say the word. Look, it’s so stupid that I think we spend too much time on it, but —

CLAY: Cultural appropriation in general is stupid, right?

BUCK: It’s a dumb idea ’cause all cultures appropriate.

CLAY: Yes. You and I drink coffee. It came from Ethiopia. The internet was invented in America, basically, right? Democracy came out of Greece and Rome.

BUCK: We have rugs because of Genghis Khan, Clay, right? We can do this all day.

CLAY: Right. The entire goal of civilization is to appropriate good things, right? That is how civilization advances. “Oh, your thing is better than mine. Oh, I’m going to take this.” But here’s what’s kind of funny. First of all, he’s defending Elizabeth Warren, who appropriated being a Native American and actually claimed that he was a Native American for purposes of getting her own job, which is why I think, of all the insults that Trump ever made up, “Pocahontas” is one that legitimately makes me smile every time I see it applied. She is a liar, and then she released her own DNA test, remember, Buck, and it showed she was like one 1/800th of Native American?

BUCK: I will have you know that I made fun of CNN because when they did this initially, CNN was like, “Elizabeth Warren proves her Native American heritage!” They were going with it. They were a part of it, they’re like, wow, Elizabeth Warren coming out swinging with 1.4% Native American heritage, like they —

CLAY: It wasn’t even that high. I think it was like one out of a thousand.

BUCK: It was tiny, but it was .01, whatever it might have been. It was like everybody… You and I literally have more Native American heritage. But CNN’s comms shop came after me. “Oh, blah, blah, you probably weren’t even watching us.” No, I was watching; you guys are just a bunch of idiots. But Elizabeth Warren is a little upset with Elon, you can tell because they’re not using somebody who has such a big following on his own that the mainstream media can protect from that person.

CLAY: Good point.

BUCK: The way that Trump could, in some ways Elon can too ’cause so many people want to hear what he has to say so Warren’s a little upset about it.

WARREN: The world’s richest freeloader evidently has a very thin skin. (snickering) But you know the part that really makes me anger about this is on behalf of every public school teacher, every waitresses every computer programmer who actually paid taxes, that means they paid more than Elon Musk did! But the days when these guys not only get to rake it all in, but then rub everybody else’s nose in it while they head off into outer space and declare how they did this all on their own when they were subsidized by the federal government and subsidized by every waitresses and by every public school teacher who paid their taxes? This is wrong.

BUCK: Yeah, every waitress across the country who’s listening to the show right now is saying, “Elon didn’t send spaceships out there because of my extra tips, okay?” Elizabeth is being such a demagogue. Everybody knows this is Marxist, class-warfare crap — and, by the way, she’s worth did 12 to 15 million, I think, something like that herself. She was seen on a private jet, Clay, yesterday.

CLAY: Yeah, and here’s the thing. If I could point towards anybody in the public eye right now and say, “I hope my kids could grow up like this guy,” Elon Musk would be at the top of the list, right? He created… Think about how amazing this guy is. He decided, “Hey, you know what? I want to send rocket ships to space. I think I can do a better job of it than NASA,” and he did!

He said, “Hey, you know what? I want to reinvent the car so that we’re not reliant on oil,” right? So in theory we could create more energy independence and he did it. And, oh, by the way, on the Joy Reid attack, Elon Musk is an immigrant from South Africa. So he’s actually, unlike her, 100% an African-American. He was born in Africa and now he lives in America. He is an African-American.

So I’m not even sure that she could accuse him of cultural misappropriation since unlike here he’s actually an African-American, born in Africa, now an American.

BUCK: And you know what his sin is, of course. There are all these lib billionaires. A lot of them are people that have made money through financial services, and people like Soros who made his money through a lot of currency speculation — and often to the misery of other countries having their currencies devalued over the years.

There are people that do that but as long as they support the right causes, they remain untouched by this, right? Jeff Bezos buys the Washington Post so Jeff Bezos gets left alone by the whole media, also because he obviously buys his ink by the barrel and has it delivered by drone to your front door so people tend to leave him alone. Because Elon believes in capitalism — and also, because he has been, along with you and me, questioning all this stupid…

Remember when, you know, six feet of social distancing was the mantra that was going to save us all? Now we know it was completely arbitrary and moronic, all the mask stuff. Suddenly we discovered masks can stop all respiratory illness if we only wear them for… Not true. He knew that. So he’s been questioning that apparatus too. So he’s a target for the Marxist nonsense. And other billionaires, of course, who write checks to DAs who let criminals out to go beat old ladies with lead pipes and not get punished, they don’t get this treatment from Elizabeth Warren. I wonder why.

CLAY: Yeah, and credit to, Rush, too for Fauxcahontas — which was a play on Pocahontas — and then one of the funniest tweets. Sometimes the insults land, and I thought Trump on Elizabeth landed really well. He put up a new campaign slogan for her. Remember? (laughing) It said, “Warren 1/2020th” to make fun of the fact that her percentage of being a Native-American that she ran with that. I mean, that was an amazing logo.

BUCK: Clay, it’s not just that she appropriated it. We have to remind people of this because otherwise the media will do a whitewash of all of this. She leveraged our racial entitlement system of affirmative action in this country — and that is what it has been called in Supreme Court decisions. She leveraged that as a fraud to get hired at places as a law professor where she absolutely would not have been hired otherwise.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: So she gamed the racial entitlement system to her benefit —

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: — and elevated herself professionally, and now turns around and wants to pretend that she’s a friend to truckers and waitresses. Yeah, sure she is.

CLAY: She sent in a recipe to a Native American cookbook.

BUCK: “Powwow chow.”

CLAY: “Powwow chow!” (laughing)

BUCK: That was awesome.

CLAY: One of the most amazing and cited her cheekbones as evidence of the “fact” that she was a Native American. (laughing) The fact that she sent in a recipe called powwow chow!

BUCK: I think that was the name of the book. But yes.

CLAY: Oh, powwow chow. Yeah, okay. But still pretty funny, right? That she would be in any way defended by somebody citing appropriation by anyone is beyond insane. Remember Rachel Dolezal, before you couldn’t, the NAACP white woman who claimed she was black. When Rachel Dolezal claimed a heritage that she didn’t actually have, she got canceled. People were like, “Oh, my God. How dare you pretend to be black.” Elizabeth Warren did it her entire career, benefited off of it, and she’s running for president!

BUCK: By science and biology, race is actually much more of a mixed and variable categorization, right? Race is actually largely an artificial categorization because you have people who are multiracial, biracial. That’s all reality that we’re all living with every day, you know? That’s the things are. Great. Sex-gender is actually a physical, binary reality, but you can change that according to the left.

But if you try to play the… Look, I’ve been saying for a while, you know how you bring down the affirmative action system for college admissions? You just have every kid who thinks this is garbage — because it is — apply as something that will advantage them. Just over… Do an Alinsky-style overwhelming of the system of racial entitlement. Then they would actually cause some real problems ’cause you know who forced them to do, Clay? Say, “Your skin is not actually the right color for that designation that you claim,” which starts to sound pretty darn creep owe to, folks, right? That sounds pretty reasonably.

CLAY: Also, we got a pretty big Supreme Court case dealing with Harvard admissions associated with Asian applicants that could also blow up our noxious Rachel politics because as we talked about a little bit yesterday. Asians are, as you said, “white adjacent.” They’re not considered to be minorities because they’re too successful right now.

BUCK: That’s what the left says. I think that’s horrible.

CLAY: That’s what their argument is for why they should be treated differently when it comes to Harvard applications and everything else.

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