
Clay and Buck

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President “I’ll Fix Covid” to Set Death Record

16 Dec 2021

BUCK: When you look at what the numbers are right now, Clay, how could you think that Fauci and the health bureaucrats in this country are anything but a massive failure? This is just up on the Daily Mail. “CDC issues,” CDC, folks, “grim forecast warning that weekly covid cases will jump by 55% to 1.3 million by Christmas Day.” That’s deaths. Remember they keep saying we’re all protected from hospitalization and death? A little bit but not entirely even if vaccinated.

It’s better, certainly, to be vaccinated than not. but there are still people going to the hospital that are vaccinated. There are still people… Again, think about what was promised six months ago. “Deaths will surge 73% to 15,600 a week as Omicron becomes the dominant strain.” That’s according to the CDC forecast. So we went through all this stuff. We’ve done all this masking, all the social distancing, all the shots, more shots, booster shots… for this? This is what the end result is? It’s kind of hard for people to take.

CLAY: The data is likely, I believe, if you look at it that we are going to set a new all-time record for cases at some point in January. So one year. And that’s significant because Joe Biden when did he come into office? January 20th or whatever heck Inauguration Day was. Essentially one year after Joe Biden took office and said that he was going to solve covid, that there were gonna be no issues going forward with covid, we are likely to set an all-time record for the number of cases of covid that exist in the country.

Now, remember last year we barely had any vaccines that were distributed, we barely had any therapeutics. And here we are coming up on a year of the Biden regime where they said they’re gonna solve covid and there’s gonna be no issues, we’re gonna likely be at or near an all-time high for cases.

BUCK: Cornell University has gone to full remote, okay? Cornell University, technically just an Ivy League school. Just saying.

CLAY: Andy Bernard’s alma mater.

BUCK: There you go.

CLAY: For Office fans out there.

BUCK: Keith Olbermann too, by the way, but I think he went to the ag school. So Cornell has gone full remote. And they have a big omicron outbreak specifically as I understand it, over 900 cases, Clay. According to Cornell’s own administrators, almost all of the cases — almost all of the cases — are fully vaccinated individuals ’cause you had to be vaccinated to be on campus, right?

So unless someone was forging it or lied or had some exemption they were vaccinated. Now, I understand. They will always retreat so this, “Oh, but you’re much safer if you’re vaccinated.” No, no, no. The 20-year-olds who are getting vaccinated were never at risk. They were forced to get the shot, let’s remember. They were forced to get the shot to stop from being infecting and spreading, and they are doing that anyway. So the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” line that Biden used is not accurate. It’s not fair.

CLAY: It’s also just a complete lie, and it’s like six months old. Remember one of the first things Joe Biden said if you want to go back in time a year ago when he took office he said, “Guys, if we just wear masks for a hundred days, covid will be over!” That was his first pitch. “Hey, we just need to wear masks for a hundred days and covid will disappear.”

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