
Clay and Buck

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Joe Lies Again: “It’s Not Gonna Cost a Single, Solitary Penny”

15 Dec 2021

CLAY: We earlier in the show shared Joe Biden, and I don’t even… Do you think they just slipped in the wrong teleprompter for Biden, Buck, that he suddenly was like, “Hey, we have a pandemic of the unvaccinated” like it was still June or July? It’s so antiquated. By the way, we talked with Alex Berenson. Encourage you to check him out on the podcast top of hour 2. We also talked with Senator Marsha Blackburn.

But it’s so antiquated in terms of the data that it’s a direct lie effectively, and here’s another lie. So the CBO, Buck, you know, we talked about this yesterday. Congressional Budget Office, nonpartisan, not Democrats, not Republicans. They came out and they said, “Hey, what’s the 10-year cost of this Build Back Better bill, which, by the way, it appears Joe Manchin is not going to support.

It is dead at least for this year. We’ll see what happens at the start of 2022, but I think it was Lindsey Graham, a Republican Senator from South Carolina said, “Hey, what’s the overall cost here? Let’s presume that all of these provisions being voted on are not sunset. What’s the overall cost?” Well, the answer was it would add $3 trillion, $3 to our national debt. That didn’t stop Joe Biden from going out in Ohio and lying to the American public, Buck. He said it would cost zero. This is what he said yesterday.

REPORTER: What do you say to people in the Dayton area, Mr. President, who have expressed concerns about whether trillions more in federal spending will help when you have inflation at a near 40-year high?

BIDEN: The way I say this is not gonna cost a single, solitary penny! We’re not gonna increase the deficit by one cent in the Build Back Better plan at all!

CLAY: Just a lie. I mean, a direct lie.

BUCK: And beyond that, it’s so apparent that the Democrats do this on a whole range of issues. They won’t even tell you what the real tradeoff of their decision-making will be, right? You can do this with any number of things. Criminal justice reform. Okay. Well, you might let some people out a little bit earlier, a little bit sooner because the bail reform law, for example, but if this spreads the whole system you’re gonna also have more crime, more people getting hurt, more people being attacked.

You don’t look at cause and effect and speak about it honestly on the economy, what could be more clear than, first of all, there’s no way they’re not going to have tax increases along with this that go far beyond. This is the oldest trick in the book, right? We’ve seen this how many times in everyone listening to this living memory, the Democrats say, “It’ll just be the rich who pay for it.” That’s not actually how it works. But beyond that that it won’t add anything?

We’re talking about trillions of dollars of spending, and that goes in addition to the, what is it now three-and-change trillion a year the federal government is currently spending — I think it’s pretty close to four, and so that is just a function of math. But they lie. They lie to people. They say it won’t cost a penny. They say it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated. They say that they want a secure border, that they never said defund the police.

These are things that affect people, too, right? Donald Trump saying that he has the best hair in the history of the world — which, you know, maybe. I mean, the guy’s got great hair. Let’s show with respect where it’s due. But they used to say, “Oh, my gosh. He’s lying! There’s no data. There’s no metrics on Donald Trump’s hair being the best.” They freaked out about everything Trump said. Meanwhile, they lie big. They lie about stuff that matters to people.

CLAY: Yeah. Here’s what I would say. It’s such a good point. What I would say about Trump’s lies were, he was bull in a china shop just knocking things over, disrupting so much of the establishment. But Trump got to the right result. He didn’t always get there in a flawless fashion, and that’s one of the areas where I think he left himself open to so much attack.

It created the opportunity to come after him, but his end results were the right place. The difference with Democrats is they lie, and the lies are transparent and lead to the wrong result. And we’ve seen it with crime. Defund the police. We’ve seen it with border. We’ve seen it with covid. We’ve seen it with inflation. They lie, and they get to the wrong result, and so it is really infuriating because we had such an obsession with Trump.

Remember Democracy Dies in Darkness? They put that at the top of the Washington Post, which… Is it still there? I think it’s still there, as if they were, like, some saviors of the world. And then they got so many things wrong. You know, Buck, the Washington Post did a feature on me. I was talking to you about this off the air the other day. This before we were doing the show.

It’s 2500 words. I talked to ’em for an hour. They used like 25 of my words in a quote, and the quotes were wrong. I had transcribed it; I put it up on OutKick. There’s so much failure and lack of intelligence and just bad motive in journalism that the idea that these people are the saviors of anything is a joke, and I’m not sure, Buck. Can you think of any other profession that praises itself more than journalists?

BUCK: Hollywood, maybe. (laughing)

CLAY: But Hollywood they understand like, “Hey, you know what? We make movies, we’re entertainers.” Like, on some level I think they understand that what they do doesn’t matter. I can’t think of a single profession that praises itself more than journalists.

BUCK: Journalists pretend to be the firefighters of our democracy, you know, putting out the arson of fascism and tyranny. When what was always fascinating to me about the way they positioned themselves during the Trump administration is that in authoritarian regimes, everybody — and don’t ever forget this — the press is aligned with the government.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: What you are seeing now under Joe Biden is what you would have in an authoritarian regime. You know, I was in the CIA and, yeah, I spent time abroad in some countries where bad things were happening. But also, a big part of it was studying the history of, learning the history of authoritarian regimes. When you have 95% of the press against the regime getting richer and more famous and more powerful for not only criticizing but actively trying to subvert, undermine, and overthrow —

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: — by weaponizing the Department of Justice through lies with Russia collusion, that is, my friends, that is not a circumstance you have in an authoritarian system. The authoritarian system is the one where everybody with a platform is praising it. Which feels more authoritarian under that rubric, under that framework? Pretty sure we all know it’s Biden.

CLAY: I used to ask that question all the time: If Trump is such a dictatorial threat, how come everybody is so comfortable calling him a dictator?

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: In any country where you actually have a dictator, there’s not people getting rich by saying, “Oh, what an awful dictator this guy is,” ’cause they get yanked right off the street and put in jail. The people who ripped Trump the most vociferously in the entire country made the most money. That’s the exact opposite of a dictatorship.

BUCK: CNN needs Trump.

CLAY: Oh, desperately.

BUCK: They need him back. What do they do? They’re running this January 6 thing all day. It’s January 6th and then, you know, and then CNN’s dealing with —

CLAY: — and, by the way, nobody cares about that. The ratings reflect it.

BUCK: Yeah, because what exactly…? If we were learning new stuff and — as we discussed, they went after people, they released the text messages of some Fox hosts showing what was already, for a lot of us, public record and public sentiment, which is everybody on the right, as soon as they realized that a riot had started and that was a protest got out of control, said, “Knock that crap off right away.

“You’re playing right into the left hands! This is illegal. It’s disrespectful. Don’t do this.” Yeah, that’s what we do. Go back and look at former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo during BLM riots saying (impression), “Hey, where’s the say you gotta be peaceful, you know, assembling peaceful?” And as people pointed out, it actually does say it in the Constitution. But that’s a whole other thing, right? They were making excuses for riots.

CLAY: Well, they were mostly peaceful protests, Buck. Mostly peaceful protests. That’s the moment that everybody got it, that crystallized it perfectly is when you’re standing in front of a burning building and there are gunshots ringing out in the background and they describe it as “a mostly peaceful protest,” you’re being told — and I think this happens all too often.

And I think this is why this show is growing. It certainly what happens in many left-wing stories right now is you’re told things that you know are a hundred percent not true. Men should swim against compete and compete evenly. No, no. That doesn’t make sense. That’s what you’re being told. Peaceful protest. January 6 was an insurrection. These are all lies.

BUCK: It’s remarkable, folks, and just to speak the truth these days — to borrow from that quote of unknown providence — really is a revolutionary act. People always say it’s Orwell. But it does feel like that these days. Just speak the truth. It’s like your own private revolution of one every day. But that’s why we try to do that for all of you and also bring your voices in here on the show and discuss what’s really going on.

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