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Winsome Sears Wins Big, Gets Attacked by Racist Left

5 Nov 2021

CLAY: Winsome Sears was one of the biggest winners on Tuesday. She is the new lieutenant governor of the state of Virginia. She is a black woman, former Marine, and she has been savagely attacked by members of the left wing, and that continued last night when Michael Eric Dyson went on MSNBC on the Joy Reid show and said that while Winsome Sears was black, she’s “a black mouth moving … who justifies and legitimates white supremac[y].” This was actually said on MSNBC last night. Listen.

DYSON: They want white supremacy-by-ventriloquist effect. There is a black mouth moving, but a white idea through the — running on the runway on the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates (sic), uh, the white supremacist practices. We know that we can internalize in our own minds, in our own subconscious and our own bodies the very principles that are undoing us. So to have a black face, uh, speaking in behalf (sic) of a white supremacist legacy is nothing new.

BUCK: So Michael Eric Dyson is a moron.

CLAY: Yes, I’ve known his work. I’ve seen and heard many, many times what he has to say about a range of subjects on television, and he’s a nasty person, and he’s a stupid person. And that they would have this on their air at MSNBC just goes to what kind of a place that really is. And I would put this out there. We obviously are gonna try to get Winsome Sears on the show soon to congratulate her.

We’re looking forward to talking to her. I’m telling you right now, Joy Reid, any MSNBC host, would be too cowardly to ever make… I know that was Michael Eric Dyson, but Joy Reid has been saying similar things about how Winsome Sears doesn’t actually represent the black community, all these other things. They would be too cowardly to say that to her face.

I would even say they’re too cowardly to have her on their shows because these progressive arguments that they make, these arguments rooted in intersectionality, racial identity politics are intellectually flimsy. The moment when actually have to defend these ideas — the moment whoever’s trying to do it — they always end up losing if they would have an adept enough opponent because these are bad, indefensible, self-contradictory ideas. Racist ideas!

BUCK: Racist ideas. Yes, racist ideas. Exactly. You see this, and there’s something just deeply pathetic. Anyone hears it, they say, “What an ugly thing to say about a person that somehow there are people who will try to negate the blackness of other people based upon their politics.” This is a constant game the left plays. What gives anyone the right to do that? How can anyone think that race is something we all have to confront but race is somehow a changeable characteristic based upon one’s party affiliation? It’s madness.

CLAY: Not only that, Buck, what they are trying to sell us on is the idea… If you go back and listen to what Michael Eric Dyson said, he said “white ideas.” There are no white ideas, black ideas, Asian ideas, or Hispanic ideas. There are just ideas — and black, white, Asian, and Hispanic people can debate ideas, and the color of your skin should not dictate what ideas you are allowed to debate.

That is fundamentally racism, to put somebody into a categorization and say, “You are white; you have to believe X. You are black; you have to believe Y.” That is not how people think. That’s not what Martin Luther King Jr. meant when he said let’s judge people “by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.” We should not judge ideas based on whether they are espoused by a black, white, Asian, or Hispanic person.

We should debate ideas based on their underlying legitimacy, pro or con. That segment that we played is the essence of what the Democratic Party has become, because, Buck, they don’t debate ideas anymore. They categorize people and attack them based on those categorizes.

Your identity defines what you’re allowed to believe in the Democratic Party right now. And there are black ideas, white ideas, Asian ideas, and Hispanic ideas to them which we on this show fundamentally reject. And I think, by the way, the vast majority of black, white, Asian, and Hispanic people across the country also reject.

BUCK: I think we’re seeing that they have an inability to even settle on what the argument is for the left right now, especially with CRT and on these racial identity politics issues. And there is certainly, on the left, a strain of anti-whiteness. They’ll constantly talk about white supremacy and white privilege — and you’ll have white leftists that are saying this.

But, of course, they view it as by confronting and enforcing this orthodoxy, they are not guilty. Only other people who disapprove of anti-white rhetoric — which is really what you’re talking about here, that’s really what they’re saying when they talking about white supremacy and white national, and white privilege, all of these things, you’re supposed to sit there in silence.

If you push back on it, the left says you’re a bad person. In fact, if you push back on their anti-white racism, you are in fact racist. This becomes dizzying. It’s all self-contradictory and absurd. It’s a philosophy that does not hold up or make any sense the moment you actually apply reason and rationality to it. But here, for example, is the White House deputy press secretary claiming that it is Republicans who are lying about CRT.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: Republicans are lying. They’re not being honest. They’re not being truthful about where we stand. And they’re — and they’re cynically trying to use our kids as a political football. They’re talking about our kids when it’s — when it’s election season but they won’t vote for — for them when it matters. You know, Republicans did not vote for the American Rescue Plan.

The American Rescue Plan, in that plan it had funding to make sure that schools were open, to make sure that our kids got back to school. And they didn’t vote for that. And so that is something that the Republicans refused — absolutely refused — uh, to vote for. So we gotta be honest here and they’re not being honest they’re being incredibly dishonest.

BUCK: About what? It’s just all blather. It’s all noise coming out of this White House. They can’t even decide whether there is no critical race theory being taught in school in any capacity, or there is a lot of it and it’s amazing and everybody should learn this, or that we’re betraying parents by not telling the truth.

Or parents should sit down, shut up, and not ask any questions, because their arguments… What it really comes down to, Clay, is their arguments on this are indefensible. They actually can’t defend them. That’s why they have to constantly shift them and that’s why we have to drive this home and push our advantage.

CLAY: They don’t even shift the arguments now, Buck. They just attack you for questioning anything. Right? If you go and read our critics — and we appreciate everybody out there who loves us. But believe it or not, much to my mom’s chagrin, there’s lots of people who hate us, Buck.

BUCK: Noooo!

CLAY: Most of the time they don’t actually attack our opinions. They come after us individually. “Oh, they are racist, they’re sexist, they’re homophobic,” right? That’s not even, “Let’s debate CRT.” Well, as soon as you debate it, you’re racist, right? That’s the entire theme of the argument. It isn’t predicated on the actual issue itself. It’s about attacking the person who dares to question the legitimacy of the perspective.

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