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Virginia Callers Give Us On the Ground Reports

2 Nov 2021

BUCK: We got Jeannie in Virginia wanted to just weigh in real quick here. Jeannie, what it’s like in Virginia on the big decision day?

CALLER: You guys, I just left the polls. I’m on my way to work and I’m cautiously optimistic.

BUCK: A lot of enthusiasm? People excited?

CALLER: It’s the first time in 23 years I’ve ever stood in line in our rural community.

BUCK: Wow.

CLAY: Oh, that’s interesting. And when you say stand in line, did there seem to be a lot of enthusiasm at the polls? What rural community are you in, by the way?

CALLER: Yes. I am in a rural section of Suffolk, Virginia.

BUCK: Okay.

CLAY: Okay.

BUCK: Cool.

CLAY: Thank you for calling.

BUCK: Thank you so much for doing your part. Please spread the word. Make sure that everyone you know who’s gonna vote the right way is gonna get out there and vote. We appreciate it. Steven also obviously Virginia, what’s up, Steven?

CALLER: Hey, guys, good afternoon. I’m calling from Williamsburg, Jane City County, and the turnout here has been just great. And I hung out for a while just to kind of listen to how people talk and get a sense of what’s happening, and there’s a lot of us out there voting today. It’s like the previous caller said: Got a really good vibe today, really felt good energy out there. So, yeah, things are looking good. No problems getting to the polls, mask mandates, anything like that. It was smooth sailing.

BUCK: No mask mandate. Okay. Definitely… Thank you for that, Steven. We definitely want to know, by the way, if anyone has been told you can’t vote without a mask in Virginia. Please call in and tell us what you came up against.

CLAY: Or if you saw it happening to someone else while you were in line. We’re kind of curious. We’ve heard some reports on that. And, by the way, everybody vote, right? We want as many of you out there listening to us right now all over the Commonwealth of Virginia. You guys have an opportunity, Virginia, birthplace of presidents. You can be the birthplace of the Joe Biden regime’s ass kicking if you all go out and vote today, which I think is going to happen. I think we’re gonna know tonight, Buck. I’m excited to kick back, put my feet up, and watch the election results start to come in.

BUCK: We’ll come in tomorrow and do some scotch, maybe, while the show is on and drown our sorrows in McAuliffe slimy victory.

CLAY: Even if Youngkin does not win, the fact that he has made a Biden plus-10 state this competitive where it’s white knuckle down the stretch, best-case scenario for Democrats is an incredibly sign for the districts and the state offices that will be in play in 2022 that the Democrats are gonna have to defend and that a lot of you out there listening are going to be able to raise your voices and be heard in districts and in states that maybe you weren’t anticipating having as much of an impact.

BUCK: This is the Democrats trying to avert — right before the midterm year gets kicked off — catastrophe.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: If they squeak out a win for McAuliffe, it’s not end zone dance time. It’s get ready for a few more quarters here of really tight football. See what I did there, Clay?

CLAY: Good analogy.

BUCK: Thank you. Dave in Virginia. What do you got here, Dave?

CALLER: Hey, yeah, calling you from Chesapeake, Virginia. Voted, got in and out quickly, I think I was the 306th voter by 9 o’clock.

BUCK: No mask there, right?

CALLER: No masks, and was easy to get in and out. The polls are (unintelligible) like you said, the Fox poll was 8%, the (unintelligible) Trump whatever the (unintelligible) poll was —

BUCK: No we know. It’s gonna be close. Dave, we appreciate it. Thank you for waiting and getting that vote done. Please tell your friends, tell everybody to get out there. Every vote is gonna count. Virginia is gonna be one of these ones, Clay, where I think people will be like, “Oh, they’ll see the numbers and they’ll say it really does feel like it matters.”

You see someone’s ahead by three million votes or whatever you figure — this is what I deal with in New York all the time — what does my vote do? The Democrats outnumber us three to one or two to one statewide. But when you see it play out as closely as you think it will, it gets people motivated.

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