CLAY: How about Joe Biden — who has a comment on everything — now being under fire for the collapse, the chaos at the border? In particular, it appears that most people right now in Del Rio, Texas, are originally from Haiti. And Joe Biden, well, he’s not exactly been the biggest fan of Haiti’s importance to the United States. This is from 1994. Let’s listen to what Joe Biden thinks about Haiti and its impact on the United States.
BIDEN: A leading editor, uh, of a — of a paper in the Delaware Valley, ummm, wrote — asked their reporters to come down and talk to me and said, “Why is Biden so concerned about Bosnia and not about Haiti? Is it because blacks are involved in Haiti, blacks are what are at stake in Haiti, and in Bosnia they are Europeans, whites”?
Um, there is major, uh, arsenal of nuclear weapons, uh, where they have long histories of national wars where ethnicity dominates. Uh, uh, that is a phenomenal potential consequence to the United States. If Haiti… God-awful thing to say: If Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn’t matter a whole lot in terms of our interests.
CLAY: (laughing) That is Joe Biden, by the way, also in control of his mental faculties in 1994. Buck, isn’t it kind of crazy to hear Biden in ’94 compared to Biden in 2021?
BUCK: Not entering senility, but stupid nonetheless. Not a smart man. Never has been.
CLAY: Yes. That’s 27 years ago, now.
BUCK: May I say, any Democrat who disagrees with that will have to contest with the fact that even Democrats until about five minutes ago, would all say, “Joe Biden, nice guy, not that smart.”
CLAY: The consensus.
BUCK: That was actually the assessment. That was the consensus on Joe Biden. And, yeah, what you see going on right now is what always happens when there’s an immigration crisis with Democrats in charge. They find a way to turn it into essentially a human interest and emotion-driven story.
They will focus on certain migrants and say, “Oh, my gosh. Look at the sadness in this person’s eyes,” and you’re supposed to be say, “Oh, wow, okay. So I guess we should forget about what’s actually happening at a macro level, what’s going on with lawlessness.” If it’s just people are sad and want to live in America instead of wherever they’re from, why have an immigration system?
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: You start getting back to very basic questions with all this. Bill Melugin, who is your colleague over at Fox, Clay, had some great reporting from yesterday. And this really… This is what they don’t want is people to know: The numbers. Because the numbers tell a story that’s hard for Psaki to spin.
The biggest set of numbers they don’t want to give are how many have been let into the United States already. That’s… I’ll tell you I think you’ll find out that number Friday at about 4:45 P.M. Eastern Time. I think all of a sudden there are some DHS release, “Oh, you know, no big deal,” right before the weekend.
CLAY: And, by the way, this is just a fraction of the people that are actually getting in, right? These are the people that we’re officially letting in.
BUCK: And this one place on the border.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: I was speaking to a friend who is in Border Patrol in Rio Grande sector down near McAllen, and they still got people showing up —
CLAY: Coming across like crazy.
BUCK: — coming across, got-aways, the whole thing. This is just one area of the border but the visual with what really does — and, by the way, I’ve been in refugee camps. I’ve been in Syrian refugee camps on the Syria-Jordan border, so I know what they’re like. What you’re seeing on your TV screens when you have this Del Rio depiction?
That’s what a refugee camp looks like. It’s makeshift. It’s all thrown together. The numbers, though, are really interesting. And again from Melugin over at Fox, as of yesterday they had 6,722 migrants, 4,742 family units — okay — 1,489 single adult men, 300-plus pregnant women. Now, this really matters because when you break it down by segment what you see are people who are very intentionally trying to game the immigration system, right?
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: You have people who are —
CLAY: Those 300 people, you’re born in America, you’re an American citizen.
BUCK: These are people who have said, “I’m going to make sure that this is an anchor-baby situation where I’m going to just go across the border right away.” And, by the way, other countries don’t have this for a reason.
CLAY: It’s a big deal; we don’t talk about it. Yes.
BUCK: It’s not supposed to be… You know, if you go to visit France and your wife happens to have a baby in France, they have different rules with these things than we do here where it’s, “What are your parents. Are your parents citizens?” For anyone who disagrees with this, there’s a whole industry of birth tourism in California in particular.
Where generally, not entirely, a lot of Chinese nationals will pay to show up, have a baby in America, go back to China, and then as the child gets older, “Oh, here’s my U.S. passport. Now I want to go to ACLU and live in America,” right.
CLAY: Which, by the way, I don’t begrudge anybody for taking advantage of our stupid system, right? Our system needs to change. Buck, if you were in China and you had the resources to get a kid double passports where you’re a Chinese national and also an American national, I don’t blame elites for trying to take advantage of this.
I don’t think we should have birthright citizenship. Right? If you look around the world, this is an extreme outlier that in the United States if you cross over to our border and happen to have a child here, you don’t become a citizen in the vast majority of countries in the world. I don’t think most Americans know that. Birthright citizenship is a pretty radical idea.
BUCK: It is and it actually hasn’t really been… The legal analysis of this you have to get into it pretty deep and subject to the jurisdiction therefore, and it’s never really been directly addressed in a way that —
CLAY: Nobody even wants to talk about it.
BUCK: Nobody wants to talk about it.
CLAY: People just presume that it should… But go to Japan and try to have a baby and become a citizen. It’s impossible.
BUCK: So the 300 pregnant women clearly that’s have a baby in America as soon as possible; it’s all paid for by the American taxpayer, of course, and then you have a U.S. citizen. The chance of you being deported with your new U.S. citizen baby is under any administration quite honestly zero.
So that’s why you have 300-plus pregnant women as of yesterday. But let’s go back to the family units. Because here’s the big thing. They keep saying, Clay, “Oh, the single adult men will be expelled under Title 42 authority,” even though a federal judge has come in and said, “Oh, you can’t do that. You’re not allowed to do that.”
But they pretend that it’s single adult males that will be sent back to country of origin. And this gets complicated, too, ’cause if you’re a Haitian national but you’re coming from Brazil, I guess they’re gonna send you back to Haiti, but you haven’t been in Haiti in years.
Anyway, the family units. The family units are where you’re going to get lots and lots of people into the U.S. according to the existing rules and actually when you talk to Border Patrol, they don’t want to get into what the rules are because they’re being gamed in so many different ways.
They don’t want it to be more clear. But family units, Clay, if you have anybody in that family who claims credible fear, the family unit cannot be separated. As we all know, the family unit is kept together. The whole family is essentially transferred into the United States.
And they say, “You have a notice to appear at some point, maybe.” That’s it. It’s the easiest thing in the world. And that’s why we already had reporting this week that thousands of Haitian migrants and also there’s some Cubans and Venezuelans, but thousands of Haitian migrants have already been let into the United States.
CLAY: And you’re probably right that the numbers will probably come out Friday afternoon right as we roll into the weekend, if they even have a tally of what the numbers actually are.
BUCK: How could they not have…? Could you think about this for a second? How could they not have…?
CLAY: Because they don’t have to have a tally because they don’t want to have to tell it.
BUCK: Senator Ron Johnson we had on earlier this week, ’cause he asked in a hearing and Mayorkas said, “I work such long hours. I work 16 hours a day or something and I don’t have that for you right now.” Isn’t that the most important number you could have? Isn’t that your job?
CLAY: Yeah. If you ask the CEO, “Hey, how are you trending on making or losing money?” and he’s like, “I don’t really know right now.” That’s kind of a scoreboard for what you do.
BUCK: I don’t have a loss statement for you, sir. We do other things here.
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